Hey everyone,
I have recently created my first scratch video so that I can put it as a logo for my new website. Unfortunatly, I can't upload it. Can anyone give me some instructions on how to convert the file? Thanks.
The following are if you just want a picture of your project:
1. Go to your stuff page
2. Right click on the thumbnail for the project
3. Click save as
There! You have your picture.
If you actually want to upload the project to a site, you have to copy the HTML code.
If you just want a picture of one sprite, download the project and export the sprite into your pictures folder.
Thank you very much!!!
I've got one problem though. I don't have a website creater like dreamweaver so i'm using an online website builder. Could you tell me how to import the actual project on to that?
You can use the 'embed' button.
Here is your project's HTML code:
<a href='http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/jukebox2000/1474576'><img src='http://scratch.mit.edu/static/projects/jukebox2000/1474576_med.png' width='425' height='319' alt='Scratch Project'></a>
Here is your project's Applet code:
<applet id='ProjectApplet' style='display:block' code='ScratchApplet' codebase='http://scratch.mit.edu/static/misc' archive='ScratchApplet.jar' height='387' width='482'><param name='project' value='../../static/projects/jukebox2000/1474576.sb'></applet> <a href='http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/jukebox2000/1474576'>Learn more about this project</a>
But how do you put it on the website? I know how to get the codes yet, I am using wix.com and can't find how to put the embed code in.
Nevermind. I found out how.