I'm almost done with a project that has over a hundred sprites. For one of them I wanted two commands: When green flag clicked, hide--and--When I receive start, show.
Great. But I forgot to make the second of those commands. When I was done, I went to test the game, but of course when start was broadcasted, that Sprite (Sprite 9) didn't show up. Since I couldn't select it to fix the issue on the game screen itself, I went down to where all of the sprites are listed. However, because there are so many sprites, when scrolling the screen will display the first six and then 'hop' over the next row to the third set of six, in this case effectively skipping Sprite 9, so I have no way to fix my problem! HELP!!
A short term work-around:
Export your first 3 sprites, then delete them. Sprite 9 will then be on screen. Fix it, then import the three saved sprites.
Can't your resize the window? (Just wondering)
Eyra: nope, i tried that and closing and reopening Scratch. But it doesn't matter because Mayhem's solution worked and now the project's on the website...its a puzzle game called SPANISH GOLD!