I have advertised this gallery before, but now i have more to say. I have been working on a really long movie (at least long for scratch(well its still going to be 15 minutes long at the minimum!)) called Alien Force Delta: part 1: The Pilot. It should be done by October. If not, it will be done by December. Thanks to my friends i have enough people to help and do the voices. If anyone wants to make a prequel or a trailer, feel free to post it at
the ancient files gallery. http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/17080
amag wrote:
I have advertised this gallery before, but now i have more to say. I have been working on a really long movie (at least long for scratch(well its still going to be 15 minutes long at the minimum!)) called Alien Force Delta: part 1: The Pilot. It should be done by October. If not, it will be done by December. Thanks to my friends i have enough people to help and do the voices. If anyone wants to make a prequel or a trailer, feel free to post it at
the ancient files gallery. http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/17080
Wow~ that is quite long - are you planning to animate it? What inspired you to make a movie?