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#1 2010-12-07 22:00:33

Registered: 2010-06-04
Posts: 6

Side scrolling

I already know how to make a side scroller using the original way (in which every terrain is a different sprite) as you can see here:
what I did in order to reduce drag in it was for terrains to hide or show depending on their scrollX and scrollY position, you can download the project to see. However I think there is another more advanced way to make side scrollers which only uses 2 sprites with different costumes. How do I program that? And which works better for side scrollers? By the way, does the new way also support the ability to have a ScrollY or only ScrollX?



#2 2010-12-07 22:09:24

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Side scrolling

you have to make a variable for the number of costume, 1-10 or something, and for the odds, sprite 1 would do it, for the evens, sprite 2 would take it.



#3 2010-12-07 22:19:43

Registered: 2009-06-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Side scrolling

You can use the < and > blocks to do it, or the mod block, which is harder.

I have a demo that you can see if you click my sig and go to the link in the project notes, though it's a pretty advanced version.

Last edited by AtomicBawm3 (2010-12-07 22:20:22)



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