Does anybody know how to make it look like it's snowing in scratch? I've tried a few ways, and can't get it.
Try drawing a background with snow, then making another one with the flakes in slightly differant places, and put this in the Stages script:
<when green flag clicked>
<repeat( 10
<next costume>
<wait( 0.2 )secsc>
you can change the "Repeat () times" to how ever long you want it to snow. Or if you want it to keep snowing forever, use this:
<when green flag clicked>
<next costume>
<wait( 0.2 )secsc>
Last edited by militarydudes (2010-12-06 19:08:51)
Try this out... i've not spent a lot of time making it pretty, but it's a start for whatever you're working on!
rufflebee wrote:
I always just make a sprite with a bunch of white dots then have that rotate
It works well most of the time
couldn't see that in your projects - put one online - it might be just what Spriteman needs
Ratty1967UK wrote:
rufflebee wrote:
I always just make a sprite with a bunch of white dots then have that rotate
It works well most of the timecouldn't see that in your projects - put one online - it might be just what Spriteman needs
It doesn't look that good, actually
New improved snow-fall effect - Less sprites with snow drifting at the bottom!
Enjoy - turn it into a Christmas Greeting
RHY3756547 made a nice snow project last year - it's a bit more complicated than some methods, but it looks really cool I guess a simplified/adjusted version of the scripts in that might work (perhaps putting more snowflakes per sprite, on the same level, or removing the settling part of the script, or however you'd need to adjust it). It shows a different method to tackling making snowfall.
The project is here.