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you should start smaller; that is complex physics scritping
try looking at some projects that use this and remix theirs or use some of their scripts. a good classic i know of is Chop Shop.
remember to give credit to the creator!
If you have 2 variables, X and scrollx, where x is how fast the player is going then do this:
You colour the wall a certain colour and program it like this:
<if><touching color[ ]
<set{ x }to( (( x <*> -1 ))
Last edited by subzerostig (2010-11-30 14:57:58)
ummmm this is the wrong thread topic thing you should look in the requests one
stickdude123 wrote:
ummmm this is the wrong thread topic thing you should look in the requests one
Actually this should be in all about Scratch.
Say this:
If Key right arrow
11If not touching color whatever
11Change ScrollX by whatever
11Change Scrollx by opposite of whatever.
subzerostig wrote:
If you have 2 variables, X and scrollx, where x is how fast the player is going then do this:
You colour the wall a certain colour and program it like this:
<if><touching color[ ]
<set{ x }to( (( x <*> -1 ))
This answer is correct given that you have a variable that tracks horizontal momentum, which you should. Other answers to this question hint at making a sprite stop at a wall which doesn't address the problem.
<turn cw( 180 )degrees><touching[ <if>
<move( )steps>[/blocks]
I dunno if these will even show up as blocks...but just an idea.
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Pages: 1