I am required to build a game that rolls a pair of dice, and the user needs to bet on the outcome.
I have made 2 dice with six different costumes, which was required. I also have 3 buttons, less than 7, equal to 7, and more than 7. Every time a button is clicked, roll dice is broadcasted.
This is the part I am having trouble with:
Create a variable named "Rolled For Die 1" that is only for the sprite that is the first die. When the first die received the message "Roll dice", the value of that variable should be set to a random number between 1 and 6. At this time, you can check that this is working by having the variable on the stage. After a while, you can make this variable "hidden" (by un-checking the box next to the variables name on the Variables tab).
Any tips or explanation would be appreciated.
nextstorm wrote:
Here you go.
this sounds like a homework assignment, maybe you shouldn't have done it all...