Share with everybody how you got your username!!
I got mine because my name is Alex, and Axel, is just alex jumbled around, and then 600 was a random number
I got my user name because some people call me a nerd*weeps in corner* sorry, anyways I'm a guy so I combined those two and I got nerdman( it is also on my ds)
I got Blazer from somewhere(I don't remember, but I like it) and V82 is a old PS1/N64 game
(guess what game it is)
I got coolstuff NOT because I thought I would make cool stuff but because it was the directory my class website was stored in in the person who made it's family website. So... there you have it!
too bad there are about 90000 billion other "coolstuff"s on the web. Someday I'll go to my other account... which already exists... and nobody knows... muahaha
Last edited by coolstuff (2008-08-11 15:05:03)
Well, Blues is the name of my favorite sports team (like Colorado ROCKIES or Arizona DIAMONDBACKS) and tribute is, well, self explanatory. There ya go
Last edited by Bluestribute (2008-08-11 12:34:33)
My username is pretty random, but I liked the name Robin, and 7 was the last number in the year I signed up in (2007), although I would rather have not used a number.
My friends and I created Full Moon Productions as a way to share our ridiculous movies/animations with the world (our school). When I started Scratch I just used the name because I like it so much. Too bad there are so many other "fullmoon"s out there online. I'm really curious as to how chalkmarrow got his name, I googled it and virtually nothing but his Scratch account came up. What does it mean?
Why do you wanna know my username?
Okay, *UGH* my name's joe, and i'm awesome, (at least I think I am) so ya know, that i came to be joeisawesome
Note: my username is not to be confused with Joe Jonas (Ugh, i hate the Jonas Brothers, no offense to anyone who ACTUALLY LIKES THEM (there probably is no one who does) again, no offense)
I love mythology and fantasy. But Werewolves were simply the greatest in my mind. But, being the creative person I am, I thought of another name for werewolf; half-wolf. But I thought that Half-Wolf was too plain, and so (even though I am not much of a Leader) I made Half-Wolf-Leader.
It was also inspired by my series, Shift Beast, because I was originally going to name my account God-Tribe-Leader. But what's a God Tribe? That's the common question. So I went for a simpler, to-the-point name.
I was thinking about the upcoming archmage class in a game called adventure quest
Not a lot of thought went into it.
My name is Libby and my cousin gave me the nickname Yibbert one day when we were out to dinner, and i remembered it when i made my account. 404 are random numbers
archmage wrote:
I was thinking about the upcoming archmage class in a game called adventure quest
Not a lot of thought went into it.
lol. i play adventure quest! sometimes
I picked the username "joeyman" because my first name is joey, (you can call me Joe...) and I'm a guy. There ya go.
I started creating "games" in powerpoint when I was 10 or so and I called myself "Jorensoft". Joren is my first name and soft... You know... Microsoft was probably the only computer-related company I knew
And jorensoft contains JorenSOft so JSO. The stupid thing is - Scratch is almost the only site allowing 3character usernames. So I created many remixes:
JSOmobile on softboard
JSOimages on a.viary
JSOgames on some gaming sites
And many other JSOs
I'm JSO! Not Jorensoft! Its crazy!
JSO wrote:
I started creating "games" in powerpoint when I was 10 or so and I called myself "Jorensoft". Joren is my first name and soft... You know... Microsoft was probably the only computer-related company I knew
And jorensoft contains JorenSOft so JSO. The stupid thing is - Scratch is almost the only site allowing 3character usernames. So I created many remixes:
JSOmobile on softboard
JSOimages on a.viary
JSOgames on some gaming sites
And many other JSOs
I'm JSO! Not Jorensoft! Its crazy!
Wow! I always though JSO were your initials!
I have a ds and I'm a dude and I made my account on scratch when I was 10 dsdude10
I like dots and stripes. But usually in my comics, Dots is my female equivalent and Stripes is a male equivalent. Something stupid like that. Don't ask, my comics are weird.
I'm also known as PlaidandCheckers (it's for writing sites, and the name is pretty self-explanatory), versagen and falha-tan on other sites, because I fail a lot.
Last edited by DotsandStripes (2008-08-12 14:50:23)