ok 2 sprite scrolling was way confusing for me so i am trying to come up with a less complicated version
below is my "attempt" and i think it sems extremely simple
well in every scrolling game you need a variable called scrollx demonstrated below
<{ scrollx }>
ok simple
now you make these blockson your character sprite (movement)
<when green flag clicked>
<set{ scrollx }to( 0
<if><key[ right ]pressed?><change{ scrollx }by( -5
<if><key[ left ]pressed?><change{ scrollx }by( 5
easy i am sure all of the parts so far are good. now comes the untested part...and kinda the main part
make a sprite named terrain 1
on this sprite put the blocks shown below
<when green flag clicked>
<if><( <{ scrollx }> <<>what ever you choose )>
<if><( <{ scrollx }> <<>what ever you choose )>
<if><( <{ scrollx }> <<>what ever you choose )>
<if><( <{ scrollx }> <<>what ever you choose )>
<if><( <{ scrollx }> <<>what ever you choose )>
you choose where,it is hard to explain, sorry if you do not understand me, i will make a project about this soon.
have the costume change to the updated costume if scrollx = less whatever you choose
yes even i am confusing my self which means this may not work and i would have wasted my time testing and making this
do that for the second sprite as well and they should scroll.....i do not think i did a very good job so let me make a project which tests it out
i will do that A.S.A.P!!!
if you are 100% sure you think this will work and understand then test it yourself, but if i have to...eeeeer i WILL test it out so do not worry
i will tell you if it works
This isn't a very good tutorial. I can't understand what you are trying to explain. Perhaps you can explain in greater detail?
archmage wrote:
This isn't a very good tutorial. I can't understand what you are trying to explain. Perhaps you can explain in greater detail?
that is what i mean, im not a very good explainer so i will make a project soon