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#1 2008-08-10 15:47:35

Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 2

i need help on how to make a person jump and change levels in a game

i can do mostly everything but make a person jump and change levels and i REALLY want to make a game!!!



#2 2008-08-10 15:55:17

Registered: 2008-01-24
Posts: 1000+

Re: i need help on how to make a person jump and change levels in a game
That's my PSN ID. I know tons of COD4 glitches. Add me as your friend. Oh, and get a headset



#3 2008-08-12 15:33:11

Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: i need help on how to make a person jump and change levels in a game

For levels:

Use a variable called Level. When something is completed, such as reaching a goal, change the level by 1. If you want a background to change according to the level, use Forever change to costume # (Level).

There are two types of jumping: one using the change Y by X and then gradually changing the Y negatively. The second way requires the use of variables- such as VelocityY. This method is more realistic and smooth.

Change Y by VelocityY
Change VelocityY by -1
   If touching ground
      Set VelocityY to 1
         If up arrow pressed?
              Set VelocityY to X (value can be anything- 15 is good)



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