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#1 2008-08-07 22:04:56

Registered: 2008-05-08
Posts: 100+

I think that there should be a 'delete' button...

Like if you wanna quit Scratch or something. And you can't make the same username available again in case that quitter wants to join back. So we know people mean some srs bsnss when they quit. It's annoying when people return back and quit and come back...etc.

I mean like a 'delete your username' button.

Know what I'm saying?

Last edited by DotsandStripes (2008-08-07 22:10:38)



#2 2008-08-08 01:18:38

Registered: 2008-06-10
Posts: 100+

Re: I think that there should be a 'delete' button...

If you are quitting but you are not sure if you want to come back, why dont you just leave your account up? Is there a downside of keeping your account even if you dont play Scratch? Explain to me why because otherwise this feature would be useless.

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#3 2008-08-08 02:28:44

Registered: 2008-05-08
Posts: 100+

Re: I think that there should be a 'delete' button...

newareagle wrote:

If you are quitting but you are not sure if you want to come back, why dont you just leave your account up? Is there a downside of keeping your account even if you dont play Scratch? Explain to me why because otherwise this feature would be useless.

I mean that some websites have a 'cancel/delete' button when you want to delete your account. If you're not sure if you want to delete your account, I'm guessing you can leave it up (like if you quit for a while and decide that you want to play Scratch again. I wouldn't delete my account even if I'm not coming back, but I'm sure that I would come back). But if you're really serious about quitting and don't want to come back (I would name a few people but that would be rude), I'm guessing that feature would be good. And the whole part about not re-using the username part was that some imposter could come along and pretend to be that person.

It's just a thought.



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