Animeboy975 wrote:
The first project was probably an admin testing the server or something
kimmy123 wrote:
It was deleted I think.
You are correct.
The first project was in the first uploadable version of Scratch.
It was just the default blank background with the trademarked Scratch Cat.
The point of the project was to test the ability to upload.
ob6160 wrote:
Does anyone know the first project ever uploaded?????
The first project created that is still on the web site is by andresmh. It's called Weekend.
Last edited by HD123 (2010-11-18 15:48:54)
See a brief history of scratch: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=25084
for the facts.
The oldest 3 surviving projects are by andresmh
They are: Weekend, Bubble wrap and sandwich
The oldest ever user is called nio: http://scratch.mit.edu/users/nio
However he has done nothing
Does this help?
Nio is not the oldest user ever.
Andresmh is pretty much the almighty user of records. He created Scratch, posted the website and, of course, is the most popular user.
The first 103 projects were testing certain online features of Scratch, and were then deleted.
The first project ever was, again, probably the default blank background with the trademarked Scratch Cat. Nothing else. I think it was just to test that there was an ability to upload projects at all. It was also probably by andresmh.
The oldest project that is STILL ONLINE is "Weekend" by andresmh.