ok peoples i do not know, all i wanna do is make a game, how do i do that?
its a click game, kinda like all those red button games but different. i dont wanna tell yall to much cuz you'll steal my idea... XD
help me!!!
I wouldn't worry about anyone stealing your idea, the forums are a very friendly community and it is unlikely for anyone withhold credit for the idea.
I think we would be able to do a better job of helping you if we knew more about the project.
It's hard to help without knowing what you want to make, but I'd recommend looking at the tutorials, which you can find here.
If you're already familiar with Scratch's interface, take a look at the Scratch Wiki for some great tips.
Have fun using Scratch!
Welcome to Scratch!
Anyway, make a sprite called "red button", and put this script in it
When red button clicked
~put whatever you want to do here~
Can you please explain in more detail? I won't copy you, I prrohmess.