here at DX inc. we do not judge people by pasts or problems this is a company of friendship and scratch add your names to join. it dosen't matter if you are in another club,group,corporation. this is for any one.
members we can have up to 13 members
M-C-conner - leader
are current project includes ssb. ( super smash bros )
we also need someone to make our logo
What is DX inc. If I like It sign me up.
If I don't ike it, stab it with a giant needle.
I hate descriptions of stuff.
I know it is but what am I ?
we are making ssb game right now
Cool. Whats ssb? I hope I helped you with your ssb project, because I've been working hard on it.
P.S. Did I like DX inc. because I seem to have joined it.
lol you are i guess you can look up super smash bros on google it is a fighting game
Okay I'll look up super smash bros. Even though I'm not sure what that has to do with ssb, and I already know about Super Smash Bros (never played it though). Ohhhhh.
I get it.
Have I joined yet?
How do you not know? It's you're Inc. isn't it? OHHHHHHHH.
I get it. Idk is another abbreviation for Super Smash Bros.
NameMeFor10bucks wrote:
How do you not know? It's you're Inc. isn't it? OHHHHHHHH.
I get it. Idk is another abbreviation for Super Smash Bros.
It's not funny. We know it's you. There is such a thing as "rep" FYI- making these accounts, spamming, etc gives you less, the nicer you are and more helpful you are, the higher it gets. You want high rep.
ssb, idk, rep, You guys have a lot of abbrevaitions for super smash brothers.
And i've never played the game, so I wouldn't care about getting a high score.
NameMeFor10bucks wrote:
ssb, idk, rep, You guys have a lot of abbrevaitions for super smash brothers.
And i've never played the game, so I wouldn't care about getting a high score.
Yeah… people aren't even going to look at your Super Orange Snowman game, and here is why:
You are making a fake account. You are ACTING dumb (though I highly doubt you are. Probably very smart) and lying about you're identity.
Ways to fix this:
Don't use that account. Start acting like the smart person you are. And if you really wanna fake it- don't put your own game in your signature. Do that <--- and you will get views. It isn't funny.
Thanks for saying I'm smart.
Bluestribute wrote:
Don't use that account. Start acting like the smart person you are. And if you really wanna fake it- don't put your own game in your signature. Do that <--- and you will get views. It isn't funny.
I have to put my game in my signature. If i don't Zelda123 will be a liar.
NameMeFor10bucks wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
Don't use that account. Start acting like the smart person you are. And if you really wanna fake it- don't put your own game in your signature. Do that <--- and you will get views. It isn't funny.
I have to put my game in my signature. If i don't Zelda123 will be a liar.
So? Zelda123 already is "popular" (in quotes because that isn't possible in Scratch).
M-C-conner wrote:
I like short shorts
I do to. Do you use nair?