torterra wrote:
wii doesnt support java so you cant view your projects on it. and the wii cant download anything off the internet channel its part of its programing. sorry to be so negative but its true.
What about the Nintendo Shop? You could download it as WiiWare.
You can post on the forums from Wii.
mariotornado wrote:
Are you a wii member and a member on scratch? Well this topic will talk about my idea (mariotornado and others) of having the Scratch™ program from the Massachusetts International of Technology be on the Wii™. Soon I will post a project of what Scratch™ would probably look like in seaveral types of ways (by me or other Scratch™ users)! So drop a comment or too on my projects or on this form! Have fun and comment soon!
I am using the internet channel on Wii to post this message.
Scratch on Wii would be awesome!!!
maybe a homebrew channel app? I use the homebrew channel for all sorts of things.
werrew46 wrote:
im on the wii internet channel
Yes, I think they mean the actual Scratch application, though. Since Scratch is a website, it should work on any platform capable of displaying webpages.
awsome!!! I've created some projects about scratch 4 wii and how it will work so you should check them out. : )
I like this idea, but I don't think the Wii could handle running another programming language on it. Believe it or not, it's processor's clock speed is only around 750mhz (yes, that's megahertz not gigahertz.) I have over 3 times that and my computer still slows down a lot when using Scratch. I bet there's a way to make it work though...
The Wii Sucks. Wii is not hardcore. Modern warfare was not realeased on wii. The wiis most popular games are this: Wii sports, mario kart, wii fit, wii sports resort, new super mario bros. wii, wii fit plus, ssbb, galaxy, mario party 8 & mario and sonic. All these games are cartoon games, and all but one is rated E. Its graphics are terrible and do is its power.
WiiSucks wrote:
The Wii Sucks. Wii is not hardcore. Modern warfare was not realeased on wii. The wiis most popular games are this: Wii sports, mario kart, wii fit, wii sports resort, new super mario bros. wii, wii fit plus, ssbb, galaxy, mario party 8 & mario and sonic. All these games are cartoon games, and all but one is rated E. Its graphics are terrible and do is its power.
You created an account just to say that?
Last edited by hmnwilson (2010-11-06 13:45:15)
fullmoon wrote:
This is a great idea (but I don't own a wii
) and Nintendo is much more likely to focus on implementing Flash (installed on 95% of computers) than Scratch (with something like 90,000 members, a very small community).
zawicki1fromyoutube wrote:
torterra wrote:
wii doesnt support java so you cant view your projects on it. and the wii cant download anything off the internet channel its part of its programing. sorry to be so negative but its true.
What about the Nintendo Shop? You could download it as WiiWare.
That was what i was thinking! Nintendo would more likely accept a Scratch wii ware than a full scrstch game disc thing, also, the prices would be less, etc.
WiiSucks wrote:
The Wii Sucks. Wii is not hardcore. Modern warfare was not realeased on wii. The wiis most popular games are this: Wii sports, mario kart, wii fit, wii sports resort, new super mario bros. wii, wii fit plus, ssbb, galaxy, mario party 8 & mario and sonic. All these games are cartoon games, and all but one is rated E. Its graphics are terrible and do is its power.
By the way, they did release a modern warfare game, (Reflex) all you needed to say was "i don't like the wii". And you didn't say anything good about it... you seem like a depressed person :L
I'd Support. They could make it as a wii channel with the ability to upload it to the website.
They made a tablet for Wii. That eluminates the drawing problem.
Nintendo should create a wii chanel that makes you view scratch or they should make a wii with a hard drive*
*a reason i hate my wii:cant see scratch projects or do things that need the new flash
Go to and play "free wii games''
Last edited by MixMaster407 (2010-12-22 21:34:44)
This would be good but someone's gonna have to have a serious talk with Nintendo. To get on the downloads section costs a lot. Over $1000 dollers if you get a proved to use the SDK and costs even more when you put it online.
Wii supports Flash!
Flash is gonna be the new Scratch code!
That means Wii should support the online editing/viewing!
Good idea...
Error:New scratchers are unable to survive,please remove all the BBCode[sur] in the post. Wait,I can't Survive the post says!?
WiiSucks wrote:
The Wii Sucks. Wii is not hardcore. Modern warfare was not realeased on wii. The wiis most popular games are this: Wii sports, mario kart, wii fit, wii sports resort, new super mario bros. wii, wii fit plus, ssbb, galaxy, mario party 8 & mario and sonic. All these games are cartoon games, and all but one is rated E. Its graphics are terrible and do is its power.
Enough of this "wii is not hardcore" to be honest if you don't like games just because their suitable for everyone then your a baby. You seem to think you're being all "grown up" by owning a "Hardcore" system like Xbox or Ps3 but to be honest it doesn't make any difference. It's true that wii doesn't have other consoles graphics but that's not what nintendo's about. Nintendo's about good games that are fun to play and if you can't accept that then I guess you've got a lot of growing up to do.