militarydudes wrote:
lilacfuzz101 wrote:
hey do you want me to draw a sprite for my character?
ok i will start on it i haven't check this in like a week
click on the picture for my character. i also included a short bio for the character. it looks nothing like me on purpose.
cheddargirl wrote:
WindozeNT wrote:
I really want to see cheddargirl in this...
I'd prefer not to be in it.
*facepalm* Somewhat Disappointing. And just when I had designed an excellent sprite for you. Well, I think I might put cheddargirl.sprite in my archive of stuff that will never see the light of day in Scratch. I can't wait to see myself in this project though!
Last edited by WindozeNT (2010-11-01 20:02:17)
WindozeNT wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
WindozeNT wrote:
I really want to see cheddargirl in this...
I'd prefer not to be in it.
*facepalm* Somewhat Disappointing. And just when I had designed an excellent sprite for you. Well, I think I might put cheddargirl.sprite in my archive of stuff that will never see the light of day in Scratch. I can't wait to see myself in this project though!
LOL, and I have a good Cheddar script too:
A conversation with Cheddar wrote:
User 1: How old are you?
Cheddar: I will never reveal my age.
User 1: 36!
User2: 41
Tons of users pile up, random numbers being shouted everywhere.
A really buff Andres' character comes up and everyone become silent.
Andres: No . . . she's
Close up Andres face
Andres: OVER 9000
cheddargirl wrote:
WindozeNT wrote:
I really want to see cheddargirl in this...
I'd prefer not to be in it.
I wasn't gonna include anyone without permission
Some user: I wanna be a mod!
Coolstuff: Do ya?
Some user: Yeah, I'm a good person!
Coolstuff: Then why'd you type a message saying 'I hate mods' on the forums?
Some user: I didn't! Well, I don't think I did. Look at the good stuff I've done!
*shows coolstuff loadsa good stuff he's done*
Coolstuff: Okay, you're in. I'll tell the Scratch Team.
Random user: Hey thanks! Say, what's Scratch? Or a mod?
Coolstuff: *facepalm*
Random user: *Dumb face*
Coolstuff: *facedesk*
It's not great, I'm just bored
Do me!
I have huge square glasses and I am wearing a polo shirt with 253 stripes.
i have many freckles!'
BTW, not really
soupoftomato wrote:
WindozeNT wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
I'd prefer not to be in it.
*facepalm* Somewhat Disappointing. And just when I had designed an excellent sprite for you. Well, I think I might put cheddargirl.sprite in my archive of stuff that will never see the light of day in Scratch. I can't wait to see myself in this project though!
LOL, and I have a good Cheddar script too:
A conversation with Cheddar wrote:
User 1: How old are you?
Cheddar: I will never reveal my age.
User 1: 36!
User2: 41
Tons of users pile up, random numbers being shouted everywhere.
A really buff Andres' character comes up and everyone become silent.
Andres: No . . . she's
Close up Andres face
Andres: OVER 9000
Agreed. She really should've been in this project, but she dosen't want to be in it, so perhaps would cheddargirl settle for a subsitute?
Last edited by WindozeNT (2010-11-02 20:10:28)
WindozeNT wrote:
Agreed. She really should've been in this project, but she dosen't want to be in it, so perhaps would cheddargirl settle for a subsitute?
What do you mean by "substitute"?
All right people. I haven't had much time to work on this thing, and it won't be out for a while, and I mean a while. But don't worry, I won't can-it. I ask that you keep requests to be in it to a minimum, as I probably won't have time to draw you. So don't get excited, It won't be out for a long time.
ok then! i can't wait to see how it turns out. did you get the sprite i made? just wondering because i like to keep my my stuff page organized with mostly projects not requests or coloring contest entries (unless i happen to win )
cheddargirl wrote:
WindozeNT wrote:
Agreed. She really should've been in this project, but she dosen't want to be in it, so perhaps would cheddargirl settle for a subsitute?
What do you mean by "substitute"?
By using a fill-in: someone who's very similar but not exactly the entire "real deal". Like the fill-in could differ in apperance or miss some features that the actual person bears or something along those lines.
I could draw sprites for you (unless they drew them themselves )
Cameo episode with girwaffles64!
samurai768 wrote:
I could draw sprites for you (unless they drew them themselves
nah I'm fine. I made you a ninja like you asked, but not super detailed if thats okay.
WindozeNT wrote:
What's your own desciption and design for me?
well, I haven't drawn you yet. Bill Gates, right? Yeah you'll be the one who's always programming complicated stuff.
Last edited by militarydudes (2010-11-06 19:43:24)
WindozeNT wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
WindozeNT wrote:
I really want to see cheddargirl in this...
I'd prefer not to be in it.
*facepalm* Somewhat Disappointing. And just when I had designed an excellent sprite for you. Well, I think I might put cheddargirl.sprite in my archive of stuff that will never see the light of day in Scratch. I can't wait to see myself in this project though!
Forget my sprites! I randomly went to cheddargirl's profile and unveiled a treasure of differet spites and stuff she made herself.
EDIT: Must collect them all and use 'em for something. HOWEVER, I have dial-up so some projects with them might make Scratch panic like it always does with downloaded projects. ST must pack projects in ZIP files for dial-up users. It'll benfit in many ways.
Last edited by WindozeNT (2010-11-06 19:54:48)
recycle49 wrote:
Can i be on a trash can that says "Recycle, says recycle49" lol jk
Just wondering lol
recycle49 wrote:
recycle49 wrote:
Can i be on a trash can that says "Recycle, says recycle49" lol jk
Just wondering lol...
that sound cool Why don't you be a walking recycling bin?
Okay peoples I finished the first sketch yesterday. It took me about an hour, and I'm proud of it. Also, I was thinking I should include the Moderator Election in it, depicting people giving speeches and such (Tonks, you can be the Communist who's giving these big loud, fist banging speeches. You said I could, right?). I also had this hilarious thing where, either because of the new 14 year old limit, or an attack by trolls, everyone takes to the streets and all this random panic sets in and people start robing stores and stuff blows up for no reason.
militarydudes wrote:
samurai768 wrote:
I could draw sprites for you (unless they drew them themselves
nah I'm fine. I made you a ninja like you asked, but not super detailed if thats okay.
Actually can i make my sprite for myself? I just really like to draw and I have no life xD
Here's my sprite:
militarydudes wrote:
recycle49 wrote:
recycle49 wrote:
Can i be on a trash can that says "Recycle, says recycle49" lol jk
Just wondering lol...
that sound cool
Why don't you be a walking recycling bin?
Sure i dont care! Or a shirt with on it or something... i dont care ill let you choose...
Edit i could be hidding in one a scare to bagebers out of someone and tell them i was trying to catch liters red handed
Last edited by recycle49 (2010-11-07 06:40:36)
I stink at drawwing I can make only my face not the body can someone make me a body?