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I really need help, i want to print a picture that i made in Scratch but i have not found a way to do so!
Hmmm… I have enver tried it, and I'm on a Mac, so I don't know if this will work:
Export the sprite or background to your desktop. Than go to a painting program, and open the image in it (make sure it has no scripts). Than print!
I haven't tried it before though
Press the Print Screen button and then go to paint and press paste, then you can cut off what parts you dont want, then print the Paint Image.
This works for me:
If you were in presentation mode, switch back to development mode. Then, right-click on the stage (maybe alt-click for Macs?) and select "Save Picture of Stage". I usually put the picture right on my desktop so I can find it easily. Give the picture a name of some sort and it will be stored as an image file on your computer. Then, you can bring it into and image editor program if you want to clean it up and print it.
Paddle2See wrote:
This works for me:
If you were in presentation mode, switch back to development mode. Then, right-click on the stage (maybe alt-click for Macs?) and select "Save Picture of Stage". I usually put the picture right on my desktop so I can find it easily. Give the picture a name of some sort and it will be stored as an image file on your computer. Then, you can bring it into and image editor program if you want to clean it up and print it.
It's ctrl+click for macs. But there is an option where you can set right-clicking on the mouse. It doesn't work very well, though.
If you have a mac, a great idea is to press apple+shift+4, you can capture a region of the screen. The open it in preview and then print.
If you have a windows, press prntscrn (printscreen) which copies a picture of the screen to your clipboard. It's in the row of function buttons (f1,f2,f3,f4, etc.) and should be near the left of the keyboard. Some keyboards vary, so I'm just going by my keyboard. Open up Paint and using the select tool and delete parts you don't want and move it as far to the top left as you can. Then (deselect everything), in the bottom corner (you may need to scroll to get there) drag the little blue square all the way so that it fits the boundaries of your stage. Save it as anything (though preferably not a bitmap file), then open it up in Microsoft word or Microsoft Picture and Fax viewer. Select print, and Voila!
The problem with Save picture of stage is that it has really bad quality. I never, EVER use it because my pictures start looking horrible!
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