hello im new and i know nothing about the game like i just made an acout im VanillaCreme and i could use some tips
Welcome! This thread has links to a lot of other topics with good tips on how to use the forums and make projects. Have fun!
ok but i hope u know i don't know any thing by that i mean anything! - about the game...
VanillaCreme wrote:
ok but i hope u know i don't know any thing by that i mean anything! - about the game...
Which game? There are lots of them on here.
i mean the whole website
oh and how do u make a project? like a game...project
lasc12 wrote:
VanillaCreme wrote:
oh and how do u make a project? like a game...project
Depends. What kind of project/game? There's several kinds.
like... a catching game :
VanillaCreme wrote:
i mean the whole website
Oh, I get it now. Sorry. The first thing you should do is download the actual program if you haven't done that yet.
Also, if you want to learn how to make a catching game, one way you can teach yourself is to download other catching games and look at the scripts. Then you can change them so the game runs exactly how you want it to.
Hey VanillaCreme! Welcome to Scratch. Here you can see we have a great community, so ask anyone for help, including me, moderators and the Scratch Team, and other users.
For any help with BBCode, try the link in my signature.
Have fun, and Scratch On!
actally i got it i made my first ever project its a vido why don't guys go chek it out!!! just cilk on my name you will see the vido!!!
thank a millon!! credit goes to jean the fox and gettysburg! thanks guys! can i be friends with you guys thanks!!!
VanillaCreme wrote:
actally i got it i made my first ever project its a vido why don't guys go chek it out!!! just cilk on my name you will see the vido!!!
thank a millon!! credit goes to jean the fox and gettysburg! thanks guys! can i be friends with you guys thanks!!!
Cool! I'll definitely look at your project