I need help. How do i skip a background that i only want if.... ok here is a better explenation. Say there are 5 backgrounds. 1 of the backgrounds show if i click a sprite that is background 4 but i only want it to show if i click a sprite. its like a book. im making it everytime i press space i want it to go to next background but not background 4 which i want to show if the sprite is clicked so how do i skip background 4 when it comes to it? PLEASE HELP!
<when[ space ]key pressed><if><< <not> >><( costume # <=> 4 )><next costume><end>
~When space key pressed~
If (background #)=[3]
-Switch to background background5
-Next background
Hope that helps! I'm not too clear what you mean, so just to be safe, my one assumes that you have more than four backgrounds.
Last edited by 2l84zwamani (2010-11-06 02:59:58)