Help with my game
1. When life = 0 it doesn't go to game over it continues to negitives in both survival and homer rush
2. when its game over the failing object would appear at the top in both survival and homer rush ( If i put stop all when it broadcast game over when it game over the sound doesn't appear)
this is the game
Tell the script to say that if the sprite goes negative to set it to zero. That solves the first one.
i got it to go gameover if life = 0, now 2 problems
1. the variables doeesnt stay where i place it, instead it appears in the top left conor.
2. After game over the failing objects appear at the top of the screen
For Number 1, have your variables showing when you save.
For Number 2, <hide>[/blocks] the sprites or make them <go back( )layers>[/blocks].
I did put hide and go back 1 layer it does not work
I upload the version with game over = 0
1. the time still continues after gameover and will result in a win so how do i stop time when it broadcast gameover
2. the drop item appear at top when gameover. in survival
3. In homey run when you lose the voice doesn't go on and when I go to title the sprite is still there it doesn't go away when i look at it the script that has show is highlighted and stays highlighted
3. in homey rush when time = 0 it doesnt broadcast game it continue at 0 time
Im sure the script is ok but it doesn't seem to work can some1 check my scratch script