My friends in real life are making scratch acount and are copieing all my projects because they think its funny...
2 days ago some one made an acount under one of my friends name, it was their name, so then i talk to him in school.... He dint make the account..
So now someone is saying there someone else and all my friends are copieing my projects under different ips...
I dont whant to get in trouble for accsesive flagging but do i flag all of them?
Can you get in trouble for framing someone else like this pereson is?
What should i do to stop my project from being copied?
recycle49 wrote:
I dont whant to get in trouble for accsesive flagging but do i flag all of them?
Yes, you flag all of them. Project copying is not allowed on the Scratch website.
You won't get in trouble for excessive flagging, so long as your reasons for flagging are reasonable. Be sure to include the link to your original project when giving a reason.
Can you get in trouble for framing someone else like this pereson is?
Yes, trying to imitate and frame someone else can get you in trouble.
What should i do to stop my project from being copied?
At this point, the best thing you can do is report the copies to the Scratch Team. You may also want to e-mail the Scratch Team about the situation as well since this problem seems to extend beyond project copying.
cheddargirl wrote:
recycle49 wrote:
I dont whant to get in trouble for accsesive flagging but do i flag all of them?
Yes, you flag all of them. Project copying is not allowed on the Scratch website.
You won't get in trouble for excessive flagging, so long as your reasons for flagging are reasonable. Be sure to include the link to your original project when giving a reason.Can you get in trouble for framing someone else like this pereson is?
Yes, trying to imitate and frame someone else can get you in trouble.
What should i do to stop my project from being copied?
At this point, the best thing you can do is report the copies to the Scratch Team. You may also want to e-mail the Scratch Team about the situation as well since this problem seems to extend beyond project copying.
Thank you chedargirl, that is very helpful, i will do just that