Sparks brings up a really interesting point. Even though most of the posts in Advanced seem to be about modding the source code, BYOB, or trig, that wasn't always the case...just check the archives from this forum about two years ago. For instance, before there was a Sensor Boards thread, this was the place to post topics regarding sensor connections. Now, that forum is practically dead, and it makes you wonder why it even exists in the first place because, to me at least, it could easily be merged with Advanced Topics. My point is that Advanced is a great catch-all place for whatever Scratchers consider to be advanced, and we should keep it that way.
fullmoon wrote:
Sparks brings up a really interesting point. Even though most of the posts in Advanced seem to be about modding the source code, BYOB, or trig, that wasn't always the case...just check the archives from this forum about two years ago. For instance, before there was a Sensor Boards thread, this was the place to post topics regarding sensor connections. Now, that forum is practically dead, and it makes you wonder why it even exists in the first place because, to me at least, it could easily be merged with Advanced Topics. My point is that Advanced is a great catch-all place for whatever Scratchers consider to be advanced, and we should keep it that way.
My primary concern with AT is that a lot of Scratchers are continuously putting topics they feel is advanced, but really aren't (such as "how do I my make character jump," etc) in AT... There just isn't really a clear definition for what should go in there.
that is the other problem... Advanced means something different to every person depending on their own experiences, views and skills. One thing certainly to do is that if a topic that is not considered advanced by the majority of users is posted in the advanced section is to kindly tell them it should go in all about scratch or try to answer the question anyway, people can sometimes get a little annoyed when someone posts something like that.
I see lots of really unadvanced things in advanced topics, should I start reporting them or something?
I understand that New Scratchers and even Scratchers who are new to the forums will sometimes consider their topic "advanced" due to the fact it may be more complicated or confusing than other topics (ex. 'Making a shooting game' to 'How do I move my sprite.')
Paddle2See mentioned questions relating to complicated scripts that may involve numbers like cos and sin could also be put in Advanced Topics. Though I can see why that could be possible, I respectfully disagree. I would imagine that The Advanced Topics would be used for complicated coding (though I do not know of its purposes before the Shift-Click-R method) or questions involving the way the webpage is coded, etc.
All About Scratch, in my mind, is for all questions about scripts, sprites, and the way the webpage is set up. Considering All About Scratch is such a broad topic, I'd imagine it'd have a broad selection of quesions.
Thanks for reading, and I apologize for any typos; it's hard to type three paragraphs on a iPhone on a bus
I agree with you, but I think things like implementing trigonometry would probably go in Advanced Topics.