The Ultimate Guide to Scratch
Table of contents:=chtoc
IMPORTANT! How to find different chapters: works on most browsers.
Click Command-F or Control-F. A little text box should pop up. Enter the key word, and it will lead you to the chapter. THERE ARE NO SPACES IN THE REAL THING THOUGH, THAT IS JUST TO MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T LEAD YOU HERE.
Table of Contents: c h t o c
Introduction: c h i n t r o
Chapter 1-The Front Page: c h o n e
Chapter 2-Downloading Scratch: c h t w o
Chapter 3-Viewing Projects: c h t h r e e
Things coming up in the future: f t t a
Credits: t y h
Let's start off with some questions.
What is the Ultimate Guide to Scratch?
This guide will tell you everything you need to know about Scratch varying from the forums to the projects.
Is this an official guide?
No, this guide is user-created, but that doesn't mean that it's bad!
How can the community help me make this guide?
You can submit articles or topics that I missed, or ask questions that I will answer and add to the FAQ.
Chapter 1-The Front Page=chone
First things first, the front page. When you go to the scratch website, at, you see the front page. The front page should look like this if you aren't logged in: If you are logged in, it should look like this:
What's the difference between these two and why are they different?
When you are not logged in, there is a banner of Scratch, with several pictures. The first row of projects is featured, so they do not show the Newest Projects row or Friends' latest. When you are logged in, it shows these rows. The projects in the two rows mentioned above are not always of very good quality, so it is not displayed for people might mistake those for them supposed to be their best projects.
What is each row for?
Newest Projects-displays random projects that were uploaded in the last several minutes.
Featured Projects-displays projects that were chosen. You can submit projects if you want to try and get them on the front page. You can submit them here: Propose Projects to Get Featured
Friends' Latest-when you befriend several people, their latest project will appear there. (give it an hour or so, and it'll be updated.)
Projects Chosen by [current curator name here]-a curator (see Scratch Terms below) will choose projects to put there. He/she can choose any appropriate project he/she wants.
Scratch Design Studio-there is a Scratch Design Studio where you can enter your project that follows their topic, like books, songs, or maybe even recipes! The latest gallery's topic is displayed on the side.
What the Community is Remixing-the top remixes projects that are recent. They will leave the front page after a while.
What the Community is Loving-same as above, but is for Love-it's amount
What the Community is Viewing- same as above, but is for view amount
More info on the above three is here: More info
FAQ for the front page
Q: Can the Scratch Team disallow projects from getting on the front page?
A: Yes, if a project is unfair (like "if you love-it, you'll get a request") the Scratch Team can disallow it from reaching the front page.
Q: Why won't my project show up in the Newest Projects section?
A: The server cannot handle to update it every time there is a new project. It is changed every five minutes or so. The projects with the least views, love its, comments, and other things will be put up.
Q: So that means we have to upload it at the exact right time?
A: No, actually the Newest Projects row is not that useful sometimes. After projects leave that row, they hardly get any views. If you have a really good project, it would make it to the other sections of the front page. You could also try advertising. See the chapter on getting more views. that chapter is currently in development
Chapter 2-Downloading Scratch=chtwo
The only way to make new projects is with the Scratch application available for windows, mac, and ubuntu. The download link is at the bottom of the page, and in other locations. The Scratch 2.0 version will most likely be online, and there will be no need for downloading.
FAQ for downloading Scratch
Q: My computer can't handle Scratch 1.4 (the latest version of Scratch). What can I do?
A: You could download earlier versions of Scratch, like 1.2 or 1.3 available on the same download page.
Q: Can I download Scratch 1.1?
A: No, unfortunately not. Scratch 1.1 was the beta testing, so it was not available for public download.
Chapter 3-Viewing Projects=chthree
All you need to view projects is internet connection and java. Try viewing this project: Hungry Shapes. Can you play the game? If you can, good. That means everything is working. If not, you probably don't have java. Let's examine the page. This is what it looks like: TBC
Things coming up in the future=ftta
-making them (just a simple tutorial)
-viewing them
-new scratcher stuff
--what to do and what not to do
-different topics
Different rewards (love its, stickies)
and more
YOU can contribute to just topics if you want, you don't have to write articles.
IF I HAVE AN INACURATE FACT, PLEASE TELL ME. Just make sure it doesn't start a fight.
Last edited by kayybee (2010-11-03 22:21:44)
I don't think people would like to read a wall of text like this. Maybe you can add some BBCode to important parts or terms.
Wonderful guide! This is great resource for new and old scratchers alike.
I can't wait to see what other information you add, and I'll be willing to help if you need it.
I agree with mathematics though, I think the guide would look a little nicer with some formatting so people can easily navigate it. Don't try and take on too much or it will just be a wall of text.
Maybe you could try using color in addition to bold, such as:
[color=red]Chapter One[/color]
You could take a screenshot, edit it in Paint or whatever, re-upload it and put it in as an image.
kayybee wrote:
@jeanthefox-do you think it's easy enough to tell different chapters?
Yeah, I think you're good.
Awesome guide! I think once more has been added it will be amazing! But as others have said shortening it or having a summary would really help!
kayybee wrote:
Q: Why won't my project show up in the Newest Projects section?
A: The server cannot handle to update it every time there is a new project. It is changed every five minutes or so.
Q: So that means we have to upload it at the exact right time?
A: No, actually the Newest Projects row is not that useful sometimes. After projects leave that row, they hardly get any views. If you have a really good project, it would make it to the other sections of the front page. You could also try advertising.
Please do your research. It's so simple. Just take note of what projects made the newest projects section and compare them in amount of views, love-its, and comments to those that didn't make the section. You'll see that the ones that actually make the newest projects section are more likely to get views, love-its and comments sooner, than those that don't. I also know this from experience. For the first hour after my Super Mario Bloopers 1 was uploaded, it didn't get even a single view for 90 minutes!!! I also posted a topic in the show and tell and that didn't work until I bumped it an hour later. Most of my projects were like that. I felt cheated because I worked hard on it and I'm sure other lesser-known Scratchers also feel cheated.
Well, I am saying this on the premise that "IF I HAVE AN INACURATE FACT, PLEASE TELL ME." as mentioned in your topic post.
According to question 14 of The Census of Fame, most Scratchers are not satisfied with the current show and tell as their projects lack feedback and attention even though they posted in that forum. Therefore, the newest projects section is actually important to those who want their projects to be noticed as show and tell usually is not a good supplement.
Anyways, if you ignore this post too, that's too bad for your guide as it is probably "inacurate" without others' input and opinions.
when i say ignored, i mean i removed my post because it is likely to start a fight. and so, i will change it because sometimes the show and tell works if your thread is attractive. "play this or else" is not attractive. i will change it with ways of how to get more views... [monotone voice]Thank you for your feedback.[/monotone voice]