On each project page there is a panel on the right , under the tags panel, that says "Link to this Project". Click on the "embed" option on that panel. You will get the HTML code so people can put their projects on their personal websites (similar to embedding YouTube videos).
Here is an example: http://andresmh.blogspot.com/
You can also click on "post" to send your project to Facebook, Digg or Reddit.
I've never seen the. Cool
JboyCo wrote:
How do you do it without uploading it onto the scratch website?
You upload it to your server, then put the same code but replace the 'src=blahblahblah' to 'src=thisiswherethefile'slocated'
mrjon wrote:
and how do I upload it to my sever?
just... upload the .sb file and change the code to what is writte (but change the yourfile.sb to the actual location of where you stored the file)
<applet id='ProjectApplet' style='display:block' code='ScratchApplet' codebase='http://scratch.mit.edu/static/misc' archive='ScratchApplet.jar' height='387' width='482'><param name='project' value='yourfile.sb'></applet>
It <i>should</i> work.
whoops I mean it should work... I've been HTMLing too much today!
EDIT: actually, it doesn't. I actually know nothing about Java so it wouldn't. But I thought that maybe if I replaced the .sb file...
Last edited by coolstuff (2008-08-11 21:11:42)
Can anyone else help with uploading it to the server? been driving me mad all day.
Thanks in advance
James the Office space guy
Last edited by jamesw (2008-08-19 15:06:09)
jamesw wrote:
Can anyone else help with uploading it to the server? been driving me mad all day.
Thanks in advance
James the Office space guy
Uploading to the server depends on who is hosting your website. You may need to use FTP...here is some additional info:
Scratch project files (*.sb) can be run outside of the Scratch program if accompanied by the same Scratch Java Applet used to play projects on our site. To play a Scratch Project file on your own website you need to copy your .sb project file into a directory with the Scratch Applet player's .jar file, as well as to the .html webpage that you create with the code provided here: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=191
you click share and then click share online or som thing like that
but they dont seem to work on blooger<x position>