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#1 2008-08-01 22:21:38

Registered: 2008-02-21
Posts: 2

Export to .swf, .exe function.

There should be an export to .exe and .swf function, so other people who don't have scratch can view the files. Also it is good for educators, who usually show Scratch programs from Scratch itself, having to open up scratch, look for the file, then open it. But it will be much easier to just open it once.  smile   

.exe functions can be used for purposed like giving a copy of your scratch program to your friends (without having them know what you made it with and that they do not modify it).

I have never used  Flash files, but they can be good for posting on personal sites. People can start their own Scratch community and make the Scratch world GROW!!!!!

*Takes Breath* LOL

How about that?



#2 2008-08-01 22:32:23

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Export to .swf, .exe function.

jacklaborde wrote:

There should be an export to .exe and .swf function, so other people who don't have scratch can view the files. Also it is good for educators, who usually show Scratch programs from Scratch itself, having to open up scratch, look for the file, then open it. But it will be much easier to just open it once.  smile   

.exe functions can be used for purposed like giving a copy of your scratch program to your friends (without having them know what you made it with and that they do not modify it).

I have never used  Flash files, but they can be good for posting on personal sites. People can start their own Scratch community and make the Scratch world GROW!!!!!

*Takes Breath* LOL

How about that?

People who don't have Scratch can view the files by going onto the Scratch website. It's a java applet, so anybody who has Java (pretty much everybody, it comes with most modern computers) can view the files. For .exe files you can export to .exe with Jens' Chirp. .swf files are probably not going to happen because Java is written in a different language than Flash. Also, I think there might be some copyright issues if converting .swf (but I may be wrong). People can already start their own Scratch community, you can embed the Scratch applet into your website using the button underneath project notes.



#3 2008-08-01 23:11:04

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-06-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: Export to .swf, .exe function.

My discScratchr program allows you to select a number of project, and it will convert them into files ready to be burned on a disc.

The final disc then runs on it's own, with a nice looking menu etc. Scratch is not required to run the disc.

Check it out at



#4 2008-08-02 00:39:04

Registered: 2008-06-23
Posts: 500+

Re: Export to .swf, .exe function.

I don't have windows though.  sad  not that i like windows, but i can't run it

Last edited by AlanProjects (2008-08-02 00:39:20)



#5 2008-08-02 07:36:36

Registered: 2008-08-02
Posts: 2

Re: Export to .swf, .exe function.

jacklaborde wrote:

.exe functions can be used for purposed like giving a copy of your scratch program to your friends (without having them know what you made it with and that they do not modify it).

What? You want to give them code without permission to modify? Surely, this is terrible! I see this child growing up to write CLOSED SOURCE, NON-FREE SOFTWARE!

What would RMS think of this?

That would be a good idea, but it would be quite a lot of work to build something like this into Scratch (Idea for developers: Modify GCC or something instead of starting from... Scratch).

Oh, and I don't think SWF export would be possible. I would think you'd need to reverse engineer it or buy a license from Adobe.



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