Cool! There are lots of good ideas here!
Is there anyone on this thread who is active on the Scratch wiki?
I'm asking because it would be great if someone would have a list of important features / changes to the userpage. Once we agree on the list on the wiki, we could all start to make mockups that show how those features might look / work together.
Lightnin wrote:
Cool! There are lots of good ideas here!
Is there anyone on this thread who is active on the Scratch wiki?
I'm asking because it would be great if someone would have a list of important features / changes to the userpage. Once we agree on the list on the wiki, we could all start to make mockups that show how those features might look / work together.
Customizable_User_Page_Ideas on the wiki
I'll complete it soon. Of course others are welcome to improve/complete it.
Last edited by JTxt (2010-10-21 21:05:10)
Ok the Customizable_User_Page_Ideas wiki page is mostly complete. Feel free to correct/improve!
Cool, it's was fun to sort through everyone's great ideas!
Here are my thoughts/concerns:
1. What about the Favorites section? (Let's you bookmark and show projects by others you like.) Not many ideas mentioned or showed it.
It's currently a separate section, second class at the bottom of the user page. (Except scratchers that have few or no projects have their "Favorites" at the top of the page.)
Sometimes you may want to show off other's stuff above your own. (Inspiration for you next big project or stuff by your friends you admire more than your own right now...)
Why not show both in the same list and sticky your favorites at the top? So instead of separate "my projects" and "favorites" it's a list of things created by yourself AND others people made that you like (color coded to tell them apart), in the order you want, and scratchers can press a button to just your stuff, or just others stuff you like.
In short: Put your stuff and "others" stuff you like in the same list and buttons so you can see just your stuff or others if you want.
2. I think manually rearranging by click and drag is neat and good for a few projects, but cumbersome if you want to prioritize many projects.
Can you drag something from page 5 to page 1?
What happens if you add a new project (or resource), will it be placed at the top of the list or the bottom?
If at the top, you'll have to rearrange again after you post a test or demo.
I think you should be able to "sticky" or "star" projects or resources, when you post or favorite them, It makes them "sticky" at the top. Kind of like moderators can do to posts in the forum.
3. What about scratch resources?
Why not mix them in the same list, so if you like making backgrounds or sound effects for others more than making projects right now, you can bump them to the top of your list and show them off. People visiting your page can click a button to filter to just see sounds that you made for example. Or if you like someone else's sound a lot, you can put it at the top of your page.
A resource page is like a project page with comments, remixes, tags... you can also see what project are using that sound, sprite, or picture.
In short: Make resources (sounds, backgrounds...) like projects and mixed in with things you made and like, and buttons to see just particular types of resources or just projects.
4. What about tags? Why not make them part of your user page so that others can click "games", "pickles" or other tags you use to just see those projects/resources. (Your favorites in those categories are at the top, but the user can also sort by most recent instead. (The little star button under start turns into a clock when clicked.) )
(One of these days I'll finish this mockup project.)
So there are some ideas for handling the favorites section, custom prioritized lists, scratch resources, and tags in user pages. What do you think?
Last edited by JTxt (2010-10-21 21:13:18)
I'm a makin' a new mockup!
If you haven't seen in the announcements, Clutter recently launched. Clutter allows you to combine Scratch projects together. I'm also using it as a test bed for ideas for Scratch 2.0. Today we just added showcase Clutters. Like samurai768's design, you can choose which project you want to showcase. As an added bonus, in a few days there will be a "Showcase Clutters" section on the home page that will randomly show Clutters that users have showcased. This lets everyone put their best project on the homepage.
So go to, log-in using your Scratch username and password, make some Clutters, and showcase your projects to the world.
We're listening to your comments, and looking at your mockups. Thanks for helping us make Scratch better!
Clutter profile with showcase Clutter on the left:
How you change the showcase Clutter:
Last edited by paulmedwal (2010-10-25 23:07:22)
paulmedwal wrote:
If you haven't seen in the announcements, Clutter recently launched...
Yes, awesome, a user showcased Clutter!
And I really like that you're going to put showcased Clutters on the front page!
So is a showcased clutter (or project) something the scratcher (or clutterer ) would like attention to now?
Here's some things that might help it serve this purpose better:
1. Perhaps allow the user to write a short request for attention or help. (This way we can direct attention to where it's needed; Help because sometimes that's more important to us than our best project; the short request also attracts those that can help.)
On the user's page:
2. Order this list (with perhaps a little random jitter) by most recently requested attention or help, and online now. (So priority goes to people active and looking for help or attention now. Easier and fairer than posting to "show and tell" forum and bumping constantly, or spamming front page projects; puts those wanting attention at the same level.)
3. Also put this project and short request for attention as a signature as the user leaves comments. (This way, as you help others in this list, others will see that you need and deserve help now... They can reward your helpfulness while increasing their chances of getting attention/help too.) )
This is discussed more here.
Thanks for listening and your great work!
Last edited by JTxt (2010-10-26 13:12:49)
i like this idea!
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
i like this idea!
Good, but this thread has many ideas, which ones do you you like?
...and for bonus points, why do you like them?
...and for mega bonus points, what have we not thought of yet?
Last edited by JTxt (2010-11-01 14:41:44)
perhaps you can make it customizable by making the front page say certain projects lists. and then be able to put the ones you want in a certain order. my example lists are: featured, friends recent projects, newest projects, what the community is viewing, what the community is loving, projects selected by (you can put your friends name or your name if you want your favorites on your page), and then it should have all of the above for galleries. also one more thing to do to mess up scratch projects
[blocks]<when I receive[GO]><next costume><broadcast[GO]and wait c><say[you will never see this Ha Ha Ha! LOLOLOL]>[/blocks]
what if your page had customizable tabs you could use to sort your projects? like- art, anime, programmimg, or warrior cats, etc. i often wish i could do this on my own page. your good projects would also get more views, because you might share a great project, but then not-so great projects for a few monthes and the good one gets pushed to the 3rd page, etc. this would'nt happen if there were categories. i'll (finallly) make a mockup now!!!!!!!
just a quickie, done in photoshop:
the dark purple boxes represent projects. "about my projects" is an optional "mini-bio' that you could write to tell people an overview of what you do. on the category tabs, you can tell which one's selected by the look of the tab- it looks popped-in (e.g., games, in this example. the "edit page" link (visible when you're logged in) wheb clicked, would make everything wditable, like the names of the categories, and a list of projects, so you can place them in each category.
JTxt wrote:
paulmedwal wrote:
If you haven't seen in the announcements, Clutter recently launched...
Yes, awesome, a user showcased Clutter!
And I really like that you're going to put showcased Clutters on the front page!
So is a showcased clutter (or project) something the scratcher (or clutterer) would like attention to now?
Here's some things that might help it serve this purpose better:
1. Perhaps allow the user to write a short request for attention or help. (This way we can direct attention to where it's needed; Help because sometimes that's more important to us than our best project; the short request also attracts those that can help.)
On the user's page: … roject.png
2. Order this list (with perhaps a little random jitter) by most recently requested attention or help, and online now. (So priority goes to people active and looking for help or attention now. Easier and fairer than posting to "show and tell" forum and bumping constantly, or spamming front page projects; puts those wanting attention at the same level.)
3. Also put this project and short request for attention as a signature as the user leaves comments. (This way, as you help others in this list, others will see that you need and deserve help now... They can reward your helpfulness while increasing their chances of getting attention/help too.) )
This is discussed more here.
Thanks for listening and your great work!
Great mockups, but wouldn't everyone go into the request for help or attention row?
Here's mine:
At the top where it says tabs you can see tabs you've made. You click new tab and a space to type in the name appears. You can make at least 5 so it doesn't get messy and to move projects you right click it and it has move, add to tab which opens a menu for you to choose a tab and move to top which moves it to the top.
The status thing shows your user status (like how many days old you are, if your a member of the Scratch Wiki, a community moderater etc,.).
And you can type a message and there's a flag button if it's inappropriate.
I'm not really good at photo editing
Well those are my ideas. I'll update this some time with more ides.
kayybee wrote:
Great mockups, but wouldn't everyone go into the request for help or attention row?
Sort of. They won't be on the front page for long, and that's ok.
The real action happens in comment sections of the projects in this list. As those help others that need help/attention now, more will see their signature and short request for help, on their comment, that links to the project they want help attention to.
As you leave helpful comments, more people will see that you need and are deserving of help/attention too. and the short request (like: list help please) attracts those that can give the help you're looking for.
I think this goes more to the root of why we want to be on the front page, anyway:
We want to show off our hard work to and get feedback/help from those that appreciate our kind of projects, ASAP.
Last edited by JTxt (2010-11-26 13:15:09)
I like the idea of the requests
Sorry, I cannot read the whole thread. But I would like to suggest a way of changing own projects order by dragging and dropping them (like when rearranging Scratch sprites). In this way one can choose which projects will be immediately visible to other scratchers when they access a project of yours (only 4 projects are visible at first, and you have to click on the links to see the other ones).
I had an idea! What if users could make the white backround in their profile page a mini-scratch project? So they make a scratch project with a VERY small file size, then when someone goes onto their page, it loads the project then enlargens the res to the size of the screen. The enlarging bit may not work too well now, but when we get vector graphics... Anyone been to the LostVectors website? They have quickly loading but highly complicated backrounds. It is what my idea inspired from.
How do you create mock-ups THAT COOL? It looks really realistic, and i support the idea full on!
BumpW I love this thread!
Maybe the ability to create a picture and upload it to your page so it appears as the background. Of course, you'd need a flag background button, but it'd work
If anyone has suggested this idea before, I didn't bother to look through all the posts on this thread.