What if (riding on the basis of the next version of scratch is flash) some features of flash that scratch doesn't have yet are put in? Like tweening and vector graphics instead of bitmap or easier layering?
What do you think could be put in scratch from flash?
Based on the Scratch 2.0 FAQ, the Scratch Team is considering vector graphics. As for the others, they are good suggestions
yay vector graphcs! they are so much nicer than the ones we have now
and BUMP!
I especially like your idea about tweening. The glide block would be a great place to include this feature; maybe it could have a new parameter that lets you specify what kind of tween function to use, like easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut, exponential, quadratic, bounce, strong, elastic, etc. Check out the documentary for the Flash Tweener library for more info about these functions!
Lucario621 wrote:
Based on the Scratch 2.0 FAQ, the Scratch Team is considering vector graphics. As for the others, they are good suggestions
Oh i like the idea of using the glide block and expanding on it! It really would be a nice addition.
What else do you think could be put into scratch from flash?
my idea is coding!
coding? can you explain please? like an AS3 thing?
60 seconds... -_-