This is free, btw.
For all of you who're too lazy to search for a decent signature maker, let me do it for you. Just give me the base color and I'll use a font that reflects your personality. Note that this is REQUESTS. If your username is too long to fit in the signature generator or for some reason I can't get a signature, or maybe I just don't feel like it, or I don't like you, I may choose not to make a signature. But it's really rare.
There, tell me if you want any changes. I chose this because it reflects your personality:Wacky and a little eccentric, but ultimately fun to be with and slightly awesome.
Couldn't I just go to (BTW dude, it's not that hard to edit that out)
And no, I don't want one. I have my own and I'm happy with it, thankyouverymuch.
helltank wrote:
There, tell me if you want any changes. I chose this because it reflects your personality:Wacky and a little eccentric, but ultimately fun to be with and slightly awesome.
Wow, awesome compliment!
I'm putting this in my sig now.
The image isn't working any more
You actually have to re-save it lol
dude it looks like you just got them from
visit that site if you want a sig blade my man
cut out the middleman
Lol, this is for when you're too lazy to go to that website XD
EDIT: Here you go.
Last edited by helltank (2010-11-02 03:12:29)