Please do this!
Scratch isn't a gaming website... And this would be rather hard to implement; there would have to be a database of rewards and such.
Jonathanpb wrote:
Scratch isn't a gaming website... And this would be rather hard to implement; there would have to be a database of rewards and such.
Roblox does something like it, so it isn't imposable. Mabye you only get to make a project with 1 reward on it, no more.
you can also programme something like that on scratch itself. For example On Eat Mario Bros. As Bowser:
Make Variable: EatAmount
Create Sprite: Reward
On (Backstage):
When (flag) Clicked
If :touching (Mario)
Set Variable(EatAmount) to (EatAmount)+1
If ((EatAmount) = (12)) Broadcast:reward 1
On Sprite: (Reward1)
When I recieve:reward 1
Wait (5) sec
Give Me a link to the project so I can edit it for you.
-The Scratch Helping Team (bagbag12)
Great idea! But...
I don't think this idea would benefit Scratch terribly well... Scratch isn't a gaming website, as JonathanPB mentioned. Additionally, somebody could easily spam projects to get themselves rewards. And it seems like a lot of programming for something off-base of what Scratch is meant to be. This has been suggested many times in the past and never been implemented (example), so I'm pretty sure it isn't going to happen anytime soon as Scratch is meant to share your creations, not benefit off of them. In short: I'm not a huge supporter of this idea.