Progress update: Okay, my family has three computers, but only one of them has scratch installed on it, and thats the family computer (the other two are my moms laptop, and my school computer), and I live in a large family (70% of which can use a computer) so access to scratch can be limited. I got started on the intro, and I've been brainstorming some ideas for a sketch. Here's a short joke we should use:
User 1: Where's Float (ingmagictree)?
User 2: Oh, he's probably photosynthesis-izing*.
*We then see Float standing in the park with his eyes closed generating a rainbow above his branches while saying "Photosynthesis...Photosynthesis..."
yes thats a complete ripoff of spongebob. if you don't know what photosynthesis is, go look it up in your science book or Wikipedia it.
I said I won't animate anyone without there permission. (Except trolls, but I won't be using real people like Kaj. I'll just make up a bunch of trolls)
Float wrote:
depict me as an evil overlord
i want to be evillllll
children cry every time they hear my name, and i destroy villages with the snap of a finger
i am everyone's nightmare
Can't really think of much else, so the soldier idea will be fine. People probably wouldn't know who it is if I tried to do something else.
yeah probably not well the opening sequence shows everyone and gives there names, so yeah. but I want to make you a civil war soldier anyway.
militarydudes wrote:
yeah probably not well the opening sequence shows everyone and gives there names, so yeah. but I want to make you a civil war soldier anyway.
Alright, well I'm fine with that, so you can go ahead!
You can use me if you want, but I doubt anybody will know me.
Sounds like it's gonna be awesome! Feel free to tell me when it comes out.
I'll let you know
Can i be on a trash can that says "Recycle, says recycle49" lol jk
Just wondering lol
Last edited by recycle49 (2010-10-27 21:08:56)
militarydudes wrote:
maxdoss wrote:
Can I be in it?
Why not? What would you want to look/act like?
I want to look like giant snake with hands, and act like a mysterious character and became invisable
I want to join! I want to look like Bill Gates and I'm always programming something in the Visual Basic programming language, downloading something, playing Pac-Man (or Ms.Pac or Jr.Pac) or something along those lines of constant computing.
That, or a Windows Flag that speaks thru voice or dialogue boxes.
Not to be a project hog or anything, but I want to be a major character.
Last edited by WindozeNT (2010-10-30 17:37:52)
If you want a hyper random donut with Jedward hair, I'm here, lol.
Can I be in?
I just want to be a guy with a hook and a flaming head. That's it. Nothing else. Not interesting at all.
And my face looks like the guy in my sig.
Last edited by RocksAndFire (2010-10-30 09:32:15)
Thanks for the entries everyone! As I said before, script writing is open to whoever wants to write! Just type something funny, and I'll read it and decide if I should approve of it.
How's this? A conversation between me and coolstuff about a moderation app for Scratch:
Coolstuff and WindozeNT Conversation 1 wrote:
coolstuff: Yo, WindozeNT! How's the Auto-Moderation application going?
WindozeNT: Great! I'm trying to write code that filters specific words in peoples' posts and make it censor certain ones using a VBScript scriptlet. It'll be called up by an active module in Auto-Moderation.
[Critical Stop sound plays]
WindozeNT: What the-? What went wrong? The syntax IS correct!
Coolstuff: Have you tried other scripting languages, like PHP?
WindozeNT: I could, but I already started a long script in VBScript. Reprogramming the censorer could take another 4 days.
coolstuff: Can't the module do it?
WindozeNT: Visual Basic isn't meant to deal with PHP sites. It's for programming 32-bit Windows 95 compatible desktop applications, with some ActiveX and OLE exceptions. PHP aware scripts should be in HTML, JavaScipt, VBScript, PHP and ActiveX.
coolstuff: Well, try adding an ActiveX entry in Auto-Moderation code.
WindozeNT: No such ActiveX exists, though.
coolstuff: Have you tried this?
[coolstuff clicks and types stuff]
[XP Notify sound plays followed by a NT 4 startup sound]
Application: Welcome to WindozeNT's Auto Moderation Application 1.0! What would you like to do?
WindozeNT: Wow! It works now!
[Clicks a button]
Application: Scanning site "Scratch Forums". Please wait...
[1 minute passes]
Application: Results for "Scratch Forums": total posts: 185395. Bad words detected: 132. Bad words censored: 132. Warnings issued: 114. Users Banned: 18. To see list of users warned or banned, click here.
[WindozeNT clicks the text]
coolstuff: This is impressive!
WindozeNT: That's nothing! Wait 'till you see the project scanner!
Bueno, no bueno?
Last edited by WindozeNT (2010-10-30 18:55:00)
Can I please be in?
I wanna be in it! Ummm. the meme banana!
@RocksandFire, I got your request and I'm putting you in
@Bananaman, thats the first thing I thought of when I saw your name
@Windoz, yeah I think I'll throw your script in. We should include something other than humor from time to time.
Last edited by militarydudes (2010-11-01 12:53:07)
can i join???? ill make a personality soon if i need 2
WindozeNT wrote:
I really want to see cheddargirl in this...
I'd prefer not to be in it.