The Ultimate Feedback Critique Group needs helpers because since it got featured, it gets lots of projects, and I can't critique them ALL at once, especially at night, it gets lots at night, but I'm sleeping then! Does anyone wanna be a helper and get some nice feedback? Feedback is our thing, you know! So, anyone interested?
It's great to see that so many people are enthusiastic about your group
Perhaps you could ask everyone who adds a project to critique someone else's - that way everyone will get a change to be critiqued and also provide feedback to others.
You could explain this ahead of time so people understand the goal of your group.
Okay, but it does say in the rules: "You have to critique the other members' projects" What should I do now?
You could remove projects from people who don't follow the rules. But since you aren't requiring them to put their feedback in the gallery, it's to hard to track who is actually providing feedback.
By hitting "change who can add projects", you'll find a relatively new feature that lets you select handpicked users who can add projects. You could try that, unless you wanted to keep it open for everyone.
the_guardian wrote:
You could remove projects from people who don't follow the rules. But since you aren't requiring them to put their feedback in the gallery, it's to hard to track who is actually providing feedback.
Perhaps adding another rule that says:
"post your review on the project, then post a link to the project announcing your review" would help you and members of your group keep track of who has been actively writing reviews
This would help others see who hasn't been reviewed and also helps to keep your group structured and centralized