I am new to scratch, and I've heard from a friend about it. I can speak english/spanish so if you need help with anything in those two launguages.. I'm available. My name means awesome in spanish, just to let you know and I shall enjoy scratch very much as my spanish friend told me.. " que te diviertas mucho " Or you will have so much fun
Hola amigo! Como estas, bien?
Sorry, I don't know much Spanish ^^" But anyways, welcome to Scratch! If you need any help, just ask me or post a topic on the forums!
Hola! Me llamo Emilypie! Como Estas?
^Yush, I'm totally gonna pass my Spanish test tomorrow. ^
Welcome to scratch! If you need any help with anything, I'm here! I think you're friend's right; you will have fun! May I suggest making a project translating some English words into Spanish? I think it would be cool, since you know both languages.
Last edited by emilypie (2010-10-26 21:52:32)
emilypie wrote:
Hola! Me llamo Emilypie! Como Estas?
^Yush, I'm totally gonna pass my Spanish test tomorrow. ^
Welcome to scratch! If you need any help with anything, I'm here! I think you're friend's right; you will have fun! May I suggest making a project translating some English words into Spanish? I think it would be cool, since you know both languages.
That's all you have on your spanish test? xD
Hello everyone!
i am aami,.. I am new to the forum.
welcome to all here.,,, I know that forums are a good place to learn and interact with other people , so that People can share their experience with eachother.
littletonkslover wrote:
emilypie wrote:
Hola! Me llamo Emilypie! Como Estas?
^Yush, I'm totally gonna pass my Spanish test tomorrow. ^
Welcome to scratch! If you need any help with anything, I'm here! I think you're friend's right; you will have fun! May I suggest making a project translating some English words into Spanish? I think it would be cool, since you know both languages.That's all you have on your spanish test? xD
well, actually it was on times. (where i live right now, it's 'son las seis y media y ocho' or something like that) but now it turned out i didn't have a test and we just learned body parts. (me duele la pie!) uhg, i COULD'VE passed!
Nice to meet you, and welcome to Scratch, fenomenal.