Even if, when you have to remove a few blocks, it is fine to unplug them starting from the first block to be removed and then replug them starting from the block following the last one to be removed (or is there another way to do that?) it is sometime annoying having to do this just to remove one block. A command "remove this block" in the contextual menu could be a great time-saving help. Or the block could just be unplugged, which one you think is more appropriate.
I totally agree.
Maybe we should start a topic "Scratch drag-'n-drop interface suggestions".
Currently, not that many people have suggested improvements on the interface.
I would like things like:
> Shift+click to select multiple blocks one by one (add/remove block from selection when clicked)
> Hold mouse on empty script area, and drag, to select multiple blocks. (rectangular selection area, like in windows explorer)
> As s_federici suggested, a "unplug block" in the context menu.
> More dificult, copy/cut/paste support for scripts. This could work like Jens' Chirps export script function. Instead of writing the xml code to a file, write it to the clipboard. Because the xml code would be in the clipboard, it could be accessed from programs other that Scratch.
What do you think?
Some great ideas here! The interface is good but could definately use some improvement. I often have trouble getting a a boolean to land in the correct "hole" when I am building large logic statements. Maybe some sort of Select and Target option rather than Drag and Drop would be nice, in certain cases.
Excellent ideas!
JSO wrote:
This could work like Jens' Chirps export script function. Instead of writing the xml code to a file, write it to the clipboard. Because the xml code would be in the clipboard, it could be accessed from programs other that Scratch
And I would support the addition of Jens' Chirp functionalities to the next scratch. The same mechanism (with some shortcut key combinations) could add a lot to easyness of use of the editor. I would add both (options in contextual menus AND shortcuts) as the menus are useful for newbies whereas shortcuts are very useful for experienced users.
I agree with JSO too.
Last edited by registeel (2008-06-29 11:09:29)
These are good suggestions. I think that shift-drag could be used to drag just one block, while regular drag would operate as it does now (grabbing all blocks below). When one block is dragged out of a stack, then it would collapse to reconnect the blocks above and below the one that was dragged out.
Paddle2See, I agree that drag and drop needs to be refined. I would like to see two things here that I think could solve it without having to change the interface. One, the drag targets should only highlight when the mouse pointer is over them. Two, the reporter should become 50% transparent when dragging so that you can see what's underneath (at least enough to find the drag targets, which are usually white and easy to spot).
inuwali wrote:
These are good suggestions. I think that shift-drag could be used to drag just one block, while regular drag would operate as it does now (grabbing all blocks below). When one block is dragged out of a stack, then it would collapse to reconnect the blocks above and below the one that was dragged out.
Paddle2See, I agree that drag and drop needs to be refined. I would like to see two things here that I think could solve it without having to change the interface. One, the drag targets should only highlight when the mouse pointer is over them. Two, the reporter should become 50% transparent when dragging so that you can see what's underneath (at least enough to find the drag targets, which are usually white and easy to spot).
Those changes would be a great improvement - nice!
I agree with the "remove this block" idea as well as a way to more easily insert blocks into large math reporters or booleans. Maybe a way to type it out into a modal dialog box and see the results as you type? Or some sort of pop-up logic tree for booleans?