Hi, I am a rather new member who found Scratch by using it in my IT lessons.
After instantly falling in love with it, I worked on Scratch outside of school to create basic games and trying to expand my knownledge.
My classmates are clueless! When I was younger, I found Scratch but I did not know what it was, or how it worked. So I didn't play it until now.
So anyways, hello guys, please check out my projects. I only have two so far, but I work on them alot and each one takes more than a day.
D'you like doodling?
Anyway, welcome to Scratch and be sure to look around the forums, they're a great place to go if you ever need help!
Welcome DoodleGuy! I found Scratch from my IT lessons too! (But I think most of us are.)
Last edited by mathematics (2010-10-18 10:17:03)
Welcome to Scratch DoodleGuy, http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/The_Dancing_Donut/1352954 This might help if you get stuck. If you're completely stuck on something don't be afraid to ask.