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When using Scratch on the Mac (OS X 10.4.9) I can control-left-mouse-button-click to obtain the various contextual menus (e.g., "clean up" in the Scripts pane) but cannot right-mouse-button-click to do so.
Note that, on the Mac, they are (supposed to be) equivalent.
This is somewhat annoying since all recent (last year or so) Macs come with two button mice and it's always been possible to use a 3rd party multi-button mouse to obtain the right-click functionality.
Really? That's not the case for me! Are you sure that in system prefs you have the right mouse button set to "secondary button"?
Also, ctrl+click works on a windows
Hi, gadenu.
You might check the control panel settings for your mouse. I haven't tried and Apple mouse, but I've used several other 2-button USB mice with my Mac and was able to make the right-button work in Scratch.
Also, make sure that your caps-lock is not on. That can sometimes cause strange effects.
Good luck!
-- John
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