Lets says you dont want anyone to remix your project, but you still want people to be able to download and look at the scripts. There should be a feature that allows you to lock or unlock people from exporting a remix of your project, but still allows them to download the project. This would be a good feature because some people might not want anyone of remix their projects.
I never remix. Probably because I can only learn by recoding it myself though XD, and I like learning Scratch techniques
Remixing is an important part of Scratch. People are free to remix, change, and repost projects. Anyway, there will be no real way to make sure of this; people could just export sprites and scripts or just copy scripts. I don't think the Scratch Team would ever have this; anyone is free to remix- it helps many people to learn and helps others to build on other peoples' work.
Zelda123 is exactly right. Plus the Creative Commons license doesn't allow limitations on access to the sprites and scripts (that would sort of defeat the purpose of sharing). If you don't want someone to remix your project, however, you're free to let it sit lonely in a folder on your hard drive. You do not need to upload it to the scratch site. Though of course everyone prefers that you do, so we can learn from your scripts, etc.