I'm new to the forum, so please forgive me if this has already been mentioned.
Among other things, Scratch was designed to get students and teachers collaborating. However, program lacks a way for students, especially those who are geographically separated from integrating independently developed elements. It would be great if Scratch had a quick way to export individual files (as well as the embedded content such as images, sounds) and the capability to synthesize them into a single team or class project.
You can import/export individual sprites and sounds from scratch. Since scripts are associated with sprites, they get exported with the sprite and can be imported into a different project.
Right, the_guardian. Woodsb: You can export sprites, sounds, costumes and backgrounds each by right-clicking on them. You can also turn costumes into new sprites and export these. Or you can grab a region of the screen (not just the stage) and turn it into a new sprite. Then somebody else can import these resources into their project. That's actually exactly how most of the collaborative projects on this website have been created (companies, magazines, agglomerations etc.).