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#1 2008-07-26 12:38:09

Registered: 2008-07-16
Posts: 1

Java Applet and Scratch

Repair first the java applet. It shold show and do the same things like scratch.

Last edited by JoeFlyclapper (2008-07-26 12:38:30)



#2 2008-07-28 11:45:59

Scratch Team at MIT
Registered: 2007-03-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Java Applet and Scratch

Thanks for your suggestion. What is the main bug that you think should be fixed in this regard?

Andres Monroy-Hernandez | Scratch Team at the MIT Media Lab
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#3 2008-07-31 07:43:31

Registered: 2007-12-04
Posts: 100+

Re: Java Applet and Scratch

For starters, the flag and the stop sign look very amateurish.  I highly recommend creating an option for removing them, or giving them a sleeker style and placing them on the bottom of the frame so that they resemble the controls found on most media players. 

I love that I can embed projects in my moodle courses, but I hate the way it makes the page look.  I imagine this is a problem for many people who want to use scratch on their own websites.  Making that wrapper less obtrusive would enable people really use Scratch as a tool as well as a toy.

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