Today, i wish to inspire all new scratchers to improve and be better people, but do it while being yourself.
Im running in gym, and I'll admit this, the girl i like runs and is ahead of me. I think, why aren't I trying to impress her? Come on Matt,(im matt) hurry up! Im driving myself to do something that i cant do. As I start walking, i realize, that i can improve while not trying to be someone I'm not.
New scratchers, when on scratch, do your best, without jumping out of line and making an outrageous spectacle that will fail. If you be yourself, and not try to reach outside of your ability's limits, then you can succeed. If you feel unsuccessful, then you can always improve. Your project not good? Read to forums and experiment on the website and program. You can always improve, never worry on how long it takes, just know you can improve.
I am nexstudent, and i want to make a better scratch.
What if they are trolls and they decide to be nice here? "Oh someone's telling me to be myself, I'll troll the heck out of this place"
Ace-Of-Diamonds wrote:
What if they are trolls and they decide to be nice here? "Oh someone's telling me to be myself, I'll troll the heck out of this place"
You dont have to be so harsh.
Interesting advice... But sometimes being nice means being someone you're not.
I'm pretty sure that just about everyone on this forum is being themselves, while still being quite a nice person. Thanks for giving out this great advice!
I'm only nice because this is scratch. On youtube I'm like a monster.
Everyone's a monster on youtube