jargantic99 wrote:
ya, but i want to export the contents easily in presentation mode!
That isn't possible, I'm afraid. My method is about the best you can get.
Other methods are usually unreliable. Notably, it is possible to not clear the data when you save and exit, meaning that your save file is intact until you clear the data. That can be troublesome to make, and confusing, to say the least.
coolstuff wrote:
jargantic99 wrote:
ya, but i want to export the contents easily in presentation mode!
That isn't possible, I'm afraid. My method is about the best you can get.
Other methods are usually unreliable. Notably, it is possible to not clear the data when you save and exit, meaning that your save file is intact until you clear the data. That can be troublesome to make, and confusing, to say the least.
Well then, lets make a one line code. like 987987254276. Then sort it to a list with some variables. It would be hard, so please help!
Come on, help!
jargantic99 wrote:
Come on, help!
You might want to look at this. It's about saving and reading data from a webpage.
Still being developed but could be completed very soon.
coolstuff wrote:
jargantic99 wrote:
Heres specific details! You have 210 money, lv 23, and you are 39 points for the next level. You save it in a ONE line code, and then what. It can't use the letter ( ) of ( ) thing because how would it know how long that part of the code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't quite understand what you're trying to say... Are you asking how to interpret the code?
I know, every time you complete a level it gives you a code. Then create 3 variables 1 for money, 1 for level and one for points that are constantly being changed.
Then when you restart it asks you if you want to enter code. If you say yes and enter the correct code then scratch uses the variables to send you to that level. Get it wrong and it resets the variables.
Portal v4.0 (not mine) has a different system but works
Hope it helps!
What-The: I'm thinking of even making a separate thread for it so it's easier to change the examples.
Magnie wrote:
What-The: I'm thinking of even making a separate thread for it so it's easier to change the examples.
I made a project a while back called Stick RPG (http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/dOT145/646518) and I encountered this same problem. There are 7 different variables (I think) to keep track of so I made a save code. It gives you your code, which is basically a bunch of numbers. To load, they enter the string in and the game parses the code and sets the variables to it.
jargantic99 wrote:
Heres specific details! You have 210 money, lv 23, and you are 39 points for the next level. You save it in a ONE line code, and then what. It can't use the letter ( ) of ( ) thing because how would it know how long that part of the code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here jargantic99,
make max 999 money, max 99 levels, and each time you get 100 experience points, you go to the next level. (just an example)
since max 3 digits of money, 2 digits of levels, and since if you get 100 experience points you get a new level and it subtracts 100 when you have over that number, the max is 99, or 2 digits.
if the numbers you said above was for your game, your code should be 2102339
or if you only had 20 money, 2 level, and 5 points for the next level, it would be 0200205
that way the first 3 digits would be money, the next two digits would be level, and the last two would be experience points.
scratch recognizes "010" the same as "10".
jargantic99 wrote:
kwickgamer wrote:
Example: Not sure how it works online.
forget lists: when you click save it saves the code to a variable by using the "join" operator, then says it, then next time you play, you click load, and enter the code.Ya, but i want a one line code, like 20397897.
Just make a script so that it will keep on reading the first code till it reaches -.
For example:
If you need help on the script, ask me in one of my projects.
jargantic99 wrote:
This is about ideas for save game play later games. Like Time to get off game that you love, so you can save the code and the next day (reopen the game, not leave it on all night!) So post your awsome ideas okay!
1. Make a password for your game with level, position, and any other necessary variables in it.
level-position-sprite color-health points
2. Put all the information in a list, then export the list to your Desktop. Next time you play, just import the text file on your Desktop back into the game!
coludnt u make a script set wit hadiff veriables and as people reach check points u could give them a code and make a varibal e for each and whe n they type it in it could start from that check point right?????????????????
jasonbd wrote:
coludnt u make a script set wit hadiff veriables and as people reach check points u could give them a code and make a varibal e for each and whe n they type it in it could start from that check point right?????????????????
I can't understand what you're saying...