They're should be privit messageing on Scratch. Who agrees?
ChickenBobRox wrote:
They're should be privit messageing on Scratch. Who agrees?
I think the scratch team have already said no to this a lot.
They said they want to keep thing open and transparent.
Private messaging*
Last edited by colorfusion (2010-10-03 16:00:44)
Private messaging is something that has been suggested many times, but in the end Andres has said:
andresmh wrote:
Because keeping things open and public allow for things to be transparent. Inappropriate behavior is easily spotted and the benefits of having private communication do not outweigh its disadvantages.
There are other places on the web that do a better job at private communication.
There's a little bit more about the discussion as well as some other suggestions that have been sorted here .
Last edited by 06dknibbs (2010-10-03 16:41:57)
Kibbs got the quote I was going to find when I saw the topic name. The point of Scratch is to be open, and Private Messaging can indeed by done on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
800th Post!
It'll never happen. Unless you possess the Scratch Team. I can help by giving you a Lvl 1 Ghastly.
The Scratch Team has made the final decision of no.
Read here if you have any questions: