I am creating a word game on Scratch, and I have to have a REALLY long script just to do this. This is what it is:
<when I receive[ start game ]<set{poison letter }to( <pick random( 1 )to( 26<if><( <{ poison letter }> <=> a )><say[ The poison letter is A ]for( 2 )secs>
And so on until you get to Z. But if you could have this script:
When i recieve poison letter
set poison letter to pick random a-z
say The poison letter is -join- poison letter
I couldn't do it in script form because there was no 'join'.
<( Scratch <=> awesome!!! )>
Harakou wrote:
Why not make a list of letters A-Z, then use something like this?:
Just sayin'![]()
Harakou has a pretty efficient system going, roll with that.
BSH1 wrote:
You should just do this:
[block]<when green flag clicked>[/block]
<set{whatever }to(letter<pick random( 1 )to(26)> of wordabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)
Please, don't necropost
Last edited by RedRocker227 (2011-12-31 13:04:52)