I myself am a man of high bars. I generaly hate what people put on here, be it grammar or the product. I keep getting my comments, or replys on the forums removed because I'm a critc about stuff.
I geuss it come from being dissapointed in people for a long time, I've just got fed up with it. Everyone starts at -1, and works their way up. I don't think I sould be punished for that. I've made replys on here that I never even uttered a bad word, but it still get's removed. It's stupid.
I'm not quite sure I understand your complaint as you've only made one comment on here on the forums that was removed (which seemed to attack people who've made spelling/grammar errors and those who liked anime).
There's a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. If you keep attacking them on points they have done wrong and in no way encourage them to move forward in the right direction, you're not really helping them - thus the critique can be considered rude and unproductive, and makes your criticism go very much unheeded. Do you see what I mean?
I'm guessing this is JSM, robotkitty, or aidan, and one of them got banned
Blade-Edge wrote:
I'm guessing this is JSM, robotkitty, or aidan, and one of them got banned
Let's not speculate too much now. An issue like that can be sorted out by the Scratch Team.
Blade-Edge wrote:
I'm guessing this is JSM, robotkitty, or aidan, and one of them got banned
I think you are confusing this person with our collaboration account for the Summer Olympics 2010, SovietRussians
cheddargirl wrote:
I'm not quite sure I understand your complaint as you've only made one comment on here on the forums that was removed (which seemed to attack people who've made spelling/grammar errors and those who liked anime).
There's a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. If you keep attacking them on points they have done wrong and in no way encourage them to move forward in the right direction, you're not really helping them - thus the critique can be considered rude and unproductive, and makes your criticism go very much unheeded. Do you see what I mean?
But as I said, I don't really know see what is this constructive people talk about. Most the projects I see here unconstructive as is. I really don't have a problem with people liking anime (my sister is an otaku so yea), I hate it when they make unconstructive, "farts" that would take 0 time; this goes with grammar, they put 0 time into it. Seems like people would care a bit more about little things like spelling, grammar, and projects. That's where my point is.
I've been dissapointed in people because of this, the laziness. My problem is I can't be harsh about stuff. Nothing at all. My form of constructive is destructive. Figure out what you did wrong, make it stronger, better. Why do you think humans got where we are, by biulding on what failed.
Blade-Edge wrote:
I'm guessing this is JSM, robotkitty, or aidan, and one of them got banned
Nope o3o
Pretty much what Aidan said.
SovietRussia wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
I'm not quite sure I understand your complaint as you've only made one comment on here on the forums that was removed (which seemed to attack people who've made spelling/grammar errors and those who liked anime).
There's a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. If you keep attacking them on points they have done wrong and in no way encourage them to move forward in the right direction, you're not really helping them - thus the critique can be considered rude and unproductive, and makes your criticism go very much unheeded. Do you see what I mean?True...
But as I said, I don't really know see what is this constructive people talk about. Most the projects I see here unconstructive as is. I really don't have a problem with people liking anime (my sister is an otaku so yea), I hate it when they make unconstructive, "farts" that would take 0 time; this goes with grammar, they put 0 time into it. Seems like people would care a bit more about little things like spelling, grammar, and projects. That's where my point is.
I've been dissapointed in people because of this, the laziness. My problem is I can't be harsh about stuff. Nothing at all. My form of constructive is destructive. Figure out what you did wrong, make it stronger, better. Why do you think humans got where we are, by biulding on what failed.
It's the internet, everyone makes mistakes sometimes! Espescially in typing! Now, constructive means, oh how do I say, suggestions. If you ask them nicely(I haven't read any of your posts), they might oblidge, or just get mad.
SovietRussia wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
I'm not quite sure I understand your complaint as you've only made one comment on here on the forums that was removed (which seemed to attack people who've made spelling/grammar errors and those who liked anime).
There's a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. If you keep attacking them on points they have done wrong and in no way encourage them to move forward in the right direction, you're not really helping them - thus the critique can be considered rude and unproductive, and makes your criticism go very much unheeded. Do you see what I mean?True...
But as I said, I don't really know see what is this constructive people talk about. Most the projects I see here unconstructive as is. I really don't have a problem with people liking anime (my sister is an otaku so yea), I hate it when they make unconstructive, "farts" that would take 0 time; this goes with grammar, they put 0 time into it. Seems like people would care a bit more about little things like spelling, grammar, and projects. That's where my point is.
I've been dissapointed in people because of this, the laziness. My problem is I can't be harsh about stuff. Nothing at all. My form of constructive is destructive. Figure out what you did wrong, make it stronger, better. Why do you think humans got where we are, by biulding on what failed.
One of the best ways to get people to put more work into their projects is by making comments suggesting how they can build further upon it. Suppose, for example, a user makes a simple animation about a bunny hopping and that's it. It's likely that someone might consider a project like that as trivial. A constructive comment would be something like this:
"How about adding another character (a friend for the rabbit!) in the project and they can interact with each other? Or maybe you can add carrots at the bottom as have a game where the bunny collects the carrots.
Compare it to something like this:
"This is boring. All the bunny does is hop. You could easily put more stuff into this. Why couldn't you add something else to the project? Then it would be so much better than what you have now."
The first comment is more likely to encourage a user to build upon his/her project, the second one being considered as mean and destructive (and thus dismissed).
Regarding the grammar and spelling issue: Keep in mind that there are many people here on the Scratch website, some as young as five years old, so they may not necessarily have the same grasp on grammar and spelling as you do (speaking of which, you made a few in your last paragraph ). Likewise, this is more of a programming size, so it's also likely that the comments with spelling and grammar issues are made on a trivial whim or joke (in which case there is really no need to be a "grammar cop" over such issues).
scratch_yoshi wrote:
It's the internet, everyone makes mistakes sometimes! Espescially in typing! Now, constructive means, oh how do I say, suggestions. If you ask them nicely(I haven't read any of your posts), they might oblidge, or just get mad.
Mnn, no need to be in an uproar now. There have been cases where people are unaware how to approach criticism in different situations.
cheddargirl wrote:
SovietRussia wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
I'm not quite sure I understand your complaint as you've only made one comment on here on the forums that was removed (which seemed to attack people who've made spelling/grammar errors and those who liked anime).
There's a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. If you keep attacking them on points they have done wrong and in no way encourage them to move forward in the right direction, you're not really helping them - thus the critique can be considered rude and unproductive, and makes your criticism go very much unheeded. Do you see what I mean?True...
But as I said, I don't really know see what is this constructive people talk about. Most the projects I see here unconstructive as is. I really don't have a problem with people liking anime (my sister is an otaku so yea), I hate it when they make unconstructive, "farts" that would take 0 time; this goes with grammar, they put 0 time into it. Seems like people would care a bit more about little things like spelling, grammar, and projects. That's where my point is.
I've been dissapointed in people because of this, the laziness. My problem is I can't be harsh about stuff. Nothing at all. My form of constructive is destructive. Figure out what you did wrong, make it stronger, better. Why do you think humans got where we are, by biulding on what failed.One of the best ways to get people to put more work into their projects is by making comments suggesting how they can build further upon it. Suppose, for example, a user makes a simple animation about a bunny hopping and that's it. It's likely that someone might consider a project like that as trivial. A constructive comment would be something like this:
"How about adding another character (a friend for the rabbit!) in the project and they can interact with each other? Or maybe you can add carrots at the bottom as have a game where the bunny collects the carrots.
Compare it to something like this:
"This is boring. All the bunny does is hop. You could easily put more stuff into this. Why couldn't you add something else to the project? Then it would be so much better than what you have now."
The first comment is more likely to encourage a user to build upon his/her project, the second one being considered as mean and destructive (and thus dismissed).
Regarding the grammar and spelling issue: Keep in mind that there are many people here on the Scratch website, some as young as five years old, so they may not necessarily have the same grasp on grammar and spelling as you do (speaking of which, you made a few in your last paragraph). Likewise, this is more of a programming size, so it's also likely that the comments with spelling and grammar issues are made on a trivial whim or joke (in which case there is really no need to be a "grammar cop" over such issues).
Granted, I do make kinda hateful comments, but I find myself doing better from hurtful things. Well, me at least.
I never really liked dissapointing people, so I kinda go off a bit. Um, let me say it like this...
You know that Earthquake in San Franciso? It detroyed the the city, but they rebiult, and made it stronger. That's where my mind set comes from. You have to break them down, to biuld them back up. Or, biuld up an already broken city, to an empire.
SovietRussia wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
SovietRussia wrote:
But as I said, I don't really know see what is this constructive people talk about. Most the projects I see here unconstructive as is. I really don't have a problem with people liking anime (my sister is an otaku so yea), I hate it when they make unconstructive, "farts" that would take 0 time; this goes with grammar, they put 0 time into it. Seems like people would care a bit more about little things like spelling, grammar, and projects. That's where my point is.
I've been dissapointed in people because of this, the laziness. My problem is I can't be harsh about stuff. Nothing at all. My form of constructive is destructive. Figure out what you did wrong, make it stronger, better. Why do you think humans got where we are, by biulding on what failed.One of the best ways to get people to put more work into their projects is by making comments suggesting how they can build further upon it. Suppose, for example, a user makes a simple animation about a bunny hopping and that's it. It's likely that someone might consider a project like that as trivial. A constructive comment would be something like this:
"How about adding another character (a friend for the rabbit!) in the project and they can interact with each other? Or maybe you can add carrots at the bottom as have a game where the bunny collects the carrots.
Compare it to something like this:
"This is boring. All the bunny does is hop. You could easily put more stuff into this. Why couldn't you add something else to the project? Then it would be so much better than what you have now."
The first comment is more likely to encourage a user to build upon his/her project, the second one being considered as mean and destructive (and thus dismissed).
Regarding the grammar and spelling issue: Keep in mind that there are many people here on the Scratch website, some as young as five years old, so they may not necessarily have the same grasp on grammar and spelling as you do (speaking of which, you made a few in your last paragraph). Likewise, this is more of a programming size, so it's also likely that the comments with spelling and grammar issues are made on a trivial whim or joke (in which case there is really no need to be a "grammar cop" over such issues).
Granted, I do make kinda hateful comments, but I find myself doing better from hurtful things. Well, me at least.
I never really liked dissapointing people, so I kinda go off a bit. Um, let me say it like this...
You know that Earthquake in San Franciso? It detroyed the the city, but they rebiult, and made it stronger. That's where my mind set comes from. You have to break them down, to biuld them back up. Or, biuld up an already broken city, to an empire.
Of course. But let's also remember that to build a great empire, we must work together to build that empire after the old city has broken.
cheddargirl wrote:
(in which case there is really no need to be a "grammar cop" over such issues).
I believe the term you are looking for is Grammer Nazi.
Also, there is a problem in your logic, SovietRussia. Even if you build back stronger, traces of that break will be there, and it will make it easier to break again and again. A sword reforged will snap again, but one that is new has no such weakness.
TheSaint wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
(in which case there is really no need to be a "grammar cop" over such issues).
I believe the term you are looking for is Grammer Nazi.
http://filipinofreethinkers.org/wp-cont … Nazi-2.jpg
No, I really meant "grammar cop", not "grammar Nazi". I grew up with the term "grammar cop", and I don't like using the term "grammar Nazi".
Also, there is a problem in your logic, SovietRussia. Even if you build back stronger, traces of that break will be there, and it will make it easier to break again and again. A sword reforged will snap again, but one that is new has no such weakness.
I think we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves here trying to point of logic in the thinking. The point of rebuilding in this sense is to come back better than before, just as criticism is intended to point out the flaws of something so the creator can go back and rebuild his creation, making it better than its predecessor.
cheddargirl wrote:
TheSaint wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
(in which case there is really no need to be a "grammar cop" over such issues).
I believe the term you are looking for is Grammer Nazi.
http://filipinofreethinkers.org/wp-cont … Nazi-2.jpgNo, I really meant "grammar cop", not "grammar Nazi". I grew up with the term "grammar cop", and I don't like using the term "grammar Nazi".
Hmmm, never heard of that term, but okay.
cheddargirl wrote:
Also, there is a problem in your logic, SovietRussia. Even if you build back stronger, traces of that break will be there, and it will make it easier to break again and again. A sword reforged will snap again, but one that is new has no such weakness.
I think we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves here trying to point of logic in the thinking. The point of rebuilding in this sense is to come back better than before, just as criticism is intended to point out the flaws of something so the creator can go back and rebuild his creation, making it better than its predecessor.
I just disliked his example. Constructive cristsism is what you describe, making something better that it was. What he/she is say though, is break the object, because its no good, and then build anew, which I view as a destructive way to doing it. IT can work, but often times it doesn't, and leaves it broken.
My respectful viewpoint.
TheSaint wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
TheSaint wrote:
I believe the term you are looking for is Grammer Nazi.
http://filipinofreethinkers.org/wp-cont … Nazi-2.jpgNo, I really meant "grammar cop", not "grammar Nazi". I grew up with the term "grammar cop", and I don't like using the term "grammar Nazi".
Hmmm, never heard of that term, but okay.
cheddargirl wrote:
Also, there is a problem in your logic, SovietRussia. Even if you build back stronger, traces of that break will be there, and it will make it easier to break again and again. A sword reforged will snap again, but one that is new has no such weakness.
I think we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves here trying to point of logic in the thinking. The point of rebuilding in this sense is to come back better than before, just as criticism is intended to point out the flaws of something so the creator can go back and rebuild his creation, making it better than its predecessor.
I just disliked his example. Constructive cristsism is what you describe, making something better that it was. What he/she is say though, is break the object, because its no good, and then build anew, which I view as a destructive way to doing it. IT can work, but often times it doesn't, and leaves it broken.
My respectful viewpoint.![]()
Ah, but there are cases where something does have to be broken in order to be rebuilt into something new (for example, a broken doorstop can be put together stronger when rebuilt together - and I've tried it, it's true!) but now we're getting way too much ahead of ourselves and going off-tangent of the original intent of the meaning of building the empire related to making projects.
cheddargirl wrote:
scratch_yoshi wrote:
It's the internet, everyone makes mistakes sometimes! Espescially in typing! Now, constructive means, oh how do I say, suggestions. If you ask them nicely(I haven't read any of your posts), they might oblidge, or just get mad.
Mnn, no need to be in an uproar now. There have been cases where people are unaware how to approach criticism in different situations.
I was acting completley happy in that post. I was only trying to help(sorry if I'm taking "uproar" wrong, I don't know what it means, so I'm assuming you think I'm mad).
Last edited by scratch_yoshi (2010-10-01 23:42:31)
SovietRussia wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
I'm not quite sure I understand your complaint as you've only made one comment on here on the forums that was removed (which seemed to attack people who've made spelling/grammar errors and those who liked anime).
There's a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. If you keep attacking them on points they have done wrong and in no way encourage them to move forward in the right direction, you're not really helping them - thus the critique can be considered rude and unproductive, and makes your criticism go very much unheeded. Do you see what I mean?True...
But as I said, I don't really know see what is this constructive people talk about. Most the projects I see here unconstructive as is. I really don't have a problem with people liking anime (my sister is an otaku so yea), I hate it when they make unconstructive, "farts" that would take 0 time; this goes with grammar, they put 0 time into it. Seems like people would care a bit more about little things like spelling, grammar, and projects. That's where my point is.
I've been dissapointed in people because of this, the laziness. My problem is I can't be harsh about stuff. Nothing at all. My form of constructive is destructive. Figure out what you did wrong, make it stronger, better. Why do you think humans got where we are, by biulding on what failed.
...You DO in fact realize we are all kids, right?
PW132 wrote:
SovietRussia wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
I'm not quite sure I understand your complaint as you've only made one comment on here on the forums that was removed (which seemed to attack people who've made spelling/grammar errors and those who liked anime).
There's a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. If you keep attacking them on points they have done wrong and in no way encourage them to move forward in the right direction, you're not really helping them - thus the critique can be considered rude and unproductive, and makes your criticism go very much unheeded. Do you see what I mean?True...
But as I said, I don't really know see what is this constructive people talk about. Most the projects I see here unconstructive as is. I really don't have a problem with people liking anime (my sister is an otaku so yea), I hate it when they make unconstructive, "farts" that would take 0 time; this goes with grammar, they put 0 time into it. Seems like people would care a bit more about little things like spelling, grammar, and projects. That's where my point is.
I've been dissapointed in people because of this, the laziness. My problem is I can't be harsh about stuff. Nothing at all. My form of constructive is destructive. Figure out what you did wrong, make it stronger, better. Why do you think humans got where we are, by biulding on what failed....You DO in fact realize we are all kids, right?
That's why I mentioned it in one of my replies.