ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Create a topic. I'm making a new game called Achievement Time, (Don't worry, I'm still working on Rabbit Rampage. )
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Mention another game. and pretty much what you do in Achievement Time, is unlock achievements.
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Know the meaning of the game. Some can be as simple as clicking the Play button,
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Mention an achievement. But others can be harder, like to beat the game.
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Mention a lame achievement. So yeah.
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Two words in a sentence. It's still in the planning stages with only a few achievements,
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Tell people classified information. but I'll update this with... updates... every once and awhile.
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Try to make an upside. Well, thats pretty much it.
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Be RIGHT for once. See you on Achievement Time!
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Read to the very end of this forum topic.
Cool! Will it be like achievement unlocked? I love that game! I'm keeping close tabs on this!
Yeah, a bit.
Oh, and achievement ideas are welcome.
um... this may be a TBG
No, it's a project I'm working on.