So i don't know if you're reading this because your new to Scratch, old, etc. Anyway, sometimes you will hear other people talking about fixing other people's projects, or "remixing." What they're saying is that, on the top right-hand corner next to the projects above Project Notes, is a button that says "Download". Click it and that person project, in edit form, will come up on the Scratch app. Edit it all you like--add some new music here, edit a costume there--and then click Share-->Share This Project Online. Your version of their project will be posted under your projects. But ask before remixing! Some people really don't like it when you remix their projects, and some people are making a, for example, newsletter, and don't want you posting remixes. Hope that was helpful!!!!!
A nice description of the remixing process! One area that I disagree with though is asking permission. While it might be a nice thing to do, it is certainly not required. Whenever people share projects to the website, they are automatically giving permission to everybody to use any part of their project any way they want, as long as that person gives credit to the original person who developed it.
You can read more about it here.
Paddle2See wrote:
A nice description of the remixing process! One area that I disagree with though is asking permission. While it might be a nice thing to do, it is certainly not required. Whenever people share projects to the website, they are automatically giving permission to everybody to use any part of their project any way they want, as long as that person gives credit to the original person who developed it.
You can read more about it here.
I always ask though
Wow - I never knew there was a 'License to play' on Scratch. Anyway, I'll check it out