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this the gigantic list of all the stuff being put into the game, you can make a suggestion and I might add it!
cannonball 1
cannonball 2
missile 1
missile 2
cluster missile
partial homing missile
cruise missile
partial homing cluster missile
cluster cruise missile
nuclear missile
*locked weapon*
*locked weapon*
*locked weapon*
shield 1
shield 2
heal 1
heal 2
all heal
small tank
medium tank
small mobile missile launcher (SMML)
medium mobile missile launcher (MMML)
*locked vehicle*
small cannon
medium cannon
small missile launcher
medium missile launcher
large missile launcher
missile silo
A Beam Cannon, laser tank, laser turret
veechicles: heavy tank
weapon: flamethrower(short range, high power, leaves you on fire, when on fire damages by a random amount(small random amount) for a short amont of turns)
dirty bomb(variety of nuclear bomb which spreads radioactive matter which slowly kills)
Last edited by AlanProjects (2008-07-21 21:07:58)
AlanProjects wrote:
veechicles: heavy tank
weapon: flamethrower(short range, high power, leaves you on fire, when on fire damages by a random amount(small random amount) for a short amont of turns)
dirty bomb(variety of nuclear bomb which spreads radioactive matter which slowly kills)
the heavy tank doesn't need to be added, but I might be able to create a flame tank with a variety of flame based weapons
dingdong wrote:
AlanProjects wrote:
vechicles: heavy tank
weapon: flamethrower(short range, high power, leaves you on fire, when on fire damages by a random amount(small random amount) for a short amont of turns)
dirty bomb(variety of nuclear bomb which spreads radioactive matter which slowly kills)the heavy tank doesn't need to be added, but I might be able to create a flame tank with a variety of flame based weapons
Good enough how 'bout a name: Flame tank ). what about a dirty bomb? (BTW the game looks AWESOME so far!)
how about a bomb bike. very mobile bike that blows up when ordered or when destroyed, but super weak
47fg74 wrote:
how about a bomb bike. very mobile bike that blows up when ordered or when destroyed, but super weak
Good idea but a bike?
AlanProjects wrote:
47fg74 wrote:
how about a bomb bike. very mobile bike that blows up when ordered or when destroyed, but super weak
Good idea but a bike?
I think the idea of it being a bike is great! all I have to do is give it a wide movement range
whatever.... your game anyway what about a dirty bomb?????)
machine gun????
a particle cannon as an unlockable
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