When you are a new user to Scratch, you may run into words that are somewhat unique to scratch or have a different definintion/ use. I think we need to compile a guide to these sorts of words.
all entries in alphabetical order
Add Me to your siggy! not sure:If you ad the requested to your siggy, he/she/it will rule the world.
Bump verb : stands for "bring up my post" and does what that implies
Caps Abuser noun : someone who excessively uses capitals (I.E. HOW DO I MAKE A MOVING SCRIPT??? )
Collab noun: A project worked on by two or more people
Flame verb: to be mean
flamebait noun : a post that most likely cause arguments.
Frazzersize verb Meaning to aggravate to a point of rage (example:
"The troll frazzersized me immensely")
Front Page'd verb (?): to get on the front page.
Kawaii adjective: cute
LOL verb: Laugh Out Loud
necroposting verb: The act of posting on an old thread in order to bring it back up
Newbie noun : someone who is new
NINJA'D i have no clue....: 1:A thing that is like a rick roll and losing the game at the same time. 2: When posting on a forum, you submit a post only to find that someone has posted the same thing only seconds earlier. 3:when someone uses a ninja like move on you
Postcount Increaser noun:People who post just to get a high post count
ROTFL verb: Rolling on the Floor Laughing
RPG noun : Role Playing Game
Sixty second rule noun:Annoying rule that protects against trolls (posts must be posted 60 seconds apart)
Sticky noun : a forum thread that has been stuck to the top of it's respective forum index area
troll verb 1:Basically to be mean to someone for no reason 2:to start an argument to see people's reactions; a person who trolls ( noun)
post what you think should be added- the word and the definition
Last edited by lilacfuzz101 (2010-09-28 15:32:26)
Troll, flame, newbie, Kawai'i, NINJA'D.
yes those would be good... could you maybe write definintions to go along with them? i should have been more clear.
Troll: Basically to be mean to someone for no reason; A person who trolls.
Flame: To be mean.
Newbie: Someone who is new.
Kawai'i: Idk
NINJA'D: A thing that is like a rick roll and losing the game at the same time.
added what would you say NINJA'D woulbe be classified as?
mods, what do you have to explain (word wise) most often?
Kawaii: Cute
RPG: Role Playing Game
Snoooooooo: Unknown
I have an idea! Put in " 'nuff said " I'm surprised by how many people don't know that one.
Harakou wrote:
"newbie" isn't an adjective.
You are correct.
keep 'em coming!
I thought that NINJA'D meant if someone posted something but someone had already posted it while they were typing their post.
Person1: How do I make a script? (07:00)
Person2: You just have to drag the blocks from the block section (07:02)
Person3: Drag the blocks from blocks sections (07:02)
Person3: Aw, got NINJA'D while I was typing my post (07:03)
Person4: Person3 got NINJA'D, person2 NINJA'D person3. (07:05)
But I might be wrong.
"When posting on a forum, you submit a post only to find that someone has posted the same thing only seconds earlier."
Also, I think LOL (Laughing out loud) and ROFL (Rolling on floor laughing) need to be added, they are quite common ones.
Last edited by colorfusion (2010-09-25 04:58:14)
also add "caps abuser" that one confused me when i first joined.
i think LOL and ROTFL are pretty well known.
moocow can you give a definition of that?
i will add both definitions i have of NINJA'D
This is a cool idea.
Caps Abuser: someone who excessively uses capitals (I.E. HOW DO I MAKE A MOVING SCRIPT??? TELL ME NAO!!!)
Last edited by kwickgamer (2010-09-25 10:50:42)
thanks kwickgamer! and that's a good definition and i think i should start putting in examples for some.
moderators, are there any words that you have to explain to users a lot?
ah yes. i don't know what ITopic is though. i've seen em but don't know how to explain.
lilacfuzz101 wrote:
i think LOL and ROTFL are pretty well known.
But I didn't know what they stand for until someone commented that on my project and I asked him/her what they mean.
By the way,
lol = laughing out loud
ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing
Last edited by mathematics (2010-09-26 06:04:42)
colorfusion wrote:
I thought that NINJA'D meant if someone posted something but someone had already posted it while they were typing their post.
Person1: How do I make a script? (07:00)
Person2: You just have to drag the blocks from the block section (07:02)
Person3: Drag the blocks from blocks sections (07:02)
Person3: Aw, got NINJA'D while I was typing my post (07:03)
Person4: Person3 got NINJA'D, person2 NINJA'D person3. (07:05)
But I might be wrong.
"When posting on a forum, you submit a post only to find that someone has posted the same thing only seconds earlier."
Also, I think LOL (Laughing out loud) and ROFL (Rolling on floor laughing) need to be added, they are quite common ones.
No, NINJA'D means when someone uses a ninja like move on you. NINJAing someone is difficult as there aren't many ninja forum moves. Example:
[Comment String on a project]
DancingBanana:First comment!
NinjaMaster(exploiting a glitch):First Comment!(this automatically pops up when DB makes his comment)
Dancing Banana:Argh, I got NINJA'D!
What you mentioned was outposting. But anyway, here's my list of words:
Front Page'd:You just got on the front page
Postcount Increaser:People who post just to get a high post count
60 second rule:Annoying rule that protects against trolls.
Trolls:A near extinct species of internet user(at least on Scratch)
Add Me to your siggy!:If you ad the requested to your siggy, he/she/it will rule the world.
To troll is more of to start an argument to see people's reactions, not really to be mean for no reason.
colorfusion wrote:
I thought that NINJA'D meant if someone posted something but someone had already posted it while they were typing their post.
Person1: How do I make a script? (07:00)
Person2: You just have to drag the blocks from the block section (07:02)
Person3: Drag the blocks from blocks sections (07:02)
Person3: Aw, got NINJA'D while I was typing my post (07:03)
Person4: Person3 got NINJA'D, person2 NINJA'D person3. (07:05)
But I might be wrong.
"When posting on a forum, you submit a post only to find that someone has posted the same thing only seconds earlier."
Also, I think LOL (Laughing out loud) and ROFL (Rolling on floor laughing) need to be added, they are quite common ones.
Color is correct.
ok if i get multiple definitions, i'll add them all unless they seem way wrong. keep 'em coming!