I'm am currently working on a game called Chao World. The Chao move about on their own. I know how to make walls if you control the character but since it moves on it's own I don't know how... Can someone help!!!
Depends on what type of view it is. Is it from the top, more of a bird's-eye view, or is it from the side (2D)?
Maybe this will help: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/calebxy/1011491They get stuck occasionally, but I hope it helps.
<when green flag clicked>
<if><touching[ wall sprite
<turn cw( <pick random( ? )to( ? )degrees>
moving script
sonicjosh wrote:
Hmm... This would be useful but I'm making it with Gamemaker now because I don't think Scratch could do it.
Scratch can do allot more than you think, a game from above like you are describing it should be easy, some people have made fully working 3D first person games on this before.
You are just being really vague, could you maybe describe more about the project or upload it?
Last edited by colorfusion (2010-09-19 10:48:48)
Maybe you are right but when you think about it, GameMaker would probably be better for the job. There are quite a few things GameMaker can do that Scratch can't. An example would be saving without the need to have it downloaded.
(P.S. When I said I don't think Scratch could do it I didn't mean that. I worded it very badly. I should have put, I don't think I could do it with Scratch.)
Last edited by sonicjosh (2010-09-19 10:58:30)