I found this thing called Softboard that is the exact same thing as Scratch, but for cell phones. But, only for Samsung cells. Still really cool though.... if you have a Samsung cell phone, you get free games!!!!
Go to: http://softboard.samsungmobile.com/index.jsp and register now!
I know!!!! Luckily, my dad works for QuickOffice (cell phone softwear company) so he gets a ton of phones to try out, and I could probably get a free phone. But for now I have a Motorola
I converted a project from my old account (RaccoonMedia). The project was called Dancing Squirrel. I just finished remaking it with Softboard. Take a look.
Scratch Version: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Raccoonmedia/87880
Softboard Version: http://softboard.samsungmobile.com/view/projects_view.jsp?p=1&s_num=743&wh=new&pm2=pr
Woah! I can't believe this has never been found before. This topic should be pinned or something like that.
If this works on my phone (I have a LG enV2) then expect Requiem of Thunder: Phone Edition soon. =P
EDIT: Someone already took S65 on the site. =P
Last edited by S65 (2008-07-18 13:44:37)
Only Samsung phones, unfortunatly.... I have to say though, the community on Softboard is very different. No friends list, messages, and you only need 3 love it's to get on the top loved list. And most of the projects have 100's of views.....
Hobbs1100 wrote:
Only Samsung phones, unfortunatly.... I have to say though, the community on Softboard is very different. No friends list, messages, and you only need 3 love it's to get on the top loved list. And most of the projects have 100's of views.....
I thought it exported as Java files for any phones, that's what it said. Anyway, I'm currently downloading so I'll test it out.
Hobbs1100 wrote:
cool. The interface for Softboard is wicked. It looks really good. A lot like Scratch, but missing a few features.
Yeah, it has MIDI support and special cellphone commands too. Too bad I just found out that it really DOES only support Samsung phones. =P
Hobbs1100 wrote:
I know!!!! Luckily, my dad works for QuickOffice (cell phone softwear company) so he gets a ton of phones to try out, and I could probably get a free phone. But for now I have a Motorola
I have the Samsung Juke
Nooooo! i have LG phone! My mom has a Samsung!
Hobbs1100 wrote:
Can a mod sticky this please? it would be really useful.
It's not the most important topic right now. It doesn't help everyone or all of the Scratch Community. Plus, a lot of people don't have cell phones. And if they do, they might not have a Samsung. So, it doesn't need to be stickied right now.
Last edited by joeyman (2008-07-19 08:27:25)
joeyman wrote:
Hobbs1100 wrote:
Can a mod sticky this please? it would be really useful.
It's not the most important topic right now. It doesn't help everyone or all of the Scratch Community. Plus, a lot of people don't have cell phones. And if they do, they might not have a Samsung. So, it doesn't need to be stickied right now.
Not useful?! What do you mean, not useful? This is important! How many people know about this? Not many, right? Isn't this what the show and tell forum is for?
This is wicked!!!!!!! Samsung should be popularising this like crazy!!!!!!!! whats it doing??? but the interface looks near identical to scratch , maybe they got( or even copied) the scratch team's idea??
adityasm9 wrote:
This is wicked!!!!!!! Samsung should be popularising this like crazy!!!!!!!! whats it doing??? but the interface looks near identical to scratch , maybe they got( or even copied) the scratch team's idea??
It's based off the Scratch source code. I wish it could import Scratch projects, though.
S65 wrote:
adityasm9 wrote:
This is wicked!!!!!!! Samsung should be popularising this like crazy!!!!!!!! whats it doing??? but the interface looks near identical to scratch , maybe they got( or even copied) the scratch team's idea??
It's based off the Scratch source code. I wish it could import Scratch projects, though.
Yes lol, I tried uploading one of my scratch projects in the other program, but it wouldnt let me :q. It seems as if there really aren't that many exciting games on that website. If we came over, we could easily destroy there community with awesome games