I am going to put links to good projects here, so all the new scratchers can see what they can do with scratch .
Here is a good paint example:
A quote from the creator
97castle wrote:
Well, it was actually very easy to make.
As scratch is a simple programming langiage we can all see how that is possible. Can't we? And everyone here must have at least heard of one of the two competing softwares:
Xenotype and SynOS
Curated projects are chosen by a certain member who at the time is a curator. They can curate projects to be put on the front page like this one was/is http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/FlexiStudio/1091322 A curator is chosen by volunteering yourself in a certain forum. A curator chooses projects they feel deserve to be put on the front page.
Everyone has a different opinion on who's is better. This is all for now, but anyone who find's a good project please direct me to it!
Last edited by ssss (2010-09-15 04:51:49)
Maybe you should add my curated one - And explain how it got curated and why
EDIT: Here it is
Last edited by FlexiStudio (2010-09-14 11:26:38)
I think this is a very good example. One of my best games I must say even though it's not my most loved.
As long as it's good, what does it matter if it's a war game or not?
Besides, you have a good paint project
Why not have a good war project?
This is great! Just keep expanding and talk about animations, presentations and more, and this will be an excellent guide!
ssss wrote:
thank you flexistudio, Myjuicebox, I am not meaning to offend you, but i am not trying to link to war games....
A war game would be classified as Halo and Call of Duty. This is nowhere near that level.